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Final Student Wiki Survey Class Results- 25 total participants Please Note: The following bar graph results

were collected and analyzed on April 4, 2014

Reflection and teacher comments: !ost students who indicated that they did not share their student wi"i at ho#e noted that they wanted to at so#e point before the end of the school year show a parent their wor" All students noted that the wi"i pro$ects % introduced to the# were en$oyable, aweso#e, fun, and good for studying !any of the# in the last &uestion regarding their o'erall thoughts wrote that they li"ed that they could blog to their friends, use the study tools outside of class, and en$oyed e#bedding pictures and pro$ects on their personal wi"i The results indicate to #e that the wi"i is 'iewed as a useful tool in and out of the classroo# regarding content that % a# teaching (tudent co##ents and words li"e )great, aweso#e, e*citing, good, and lo'e+ indicate to #e as the researcher that student ha'e been both #oti'ated and engaged throughout the wi"i process % can also co#e to the conclusion that the wi"i based pro$ects, blogging and interacti'e co#ponents allow for authentic,#eaningful learning

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