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Student: Courtney Glasco Course: EDU 329-02 Grade: 1 Topic: English Language Arts

Professor: Dr. Kraemer Date: March 5, 2014 Content Area: Informational Text

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE (Lesson Objective(s)*) After reading its Back to School We Go! by Ellen Jackson, students will identify differences and similarities between their lives and the student in the book that is from Kenya, identifying at least three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya. CCL/+NYS STANDARDS AND INDICATORS English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects ELA Reading Standards for Literature: Responding to Literature 11. Students will make connections between self, text, and the world around them (text, media, social interaction). Indicator: This will be evident when the students identify differences and similarities between themselves and the student from Kenya, in the book.

English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects ELA Reading Standards for Informational Text: Key Ideas & Detail: 1. Students will ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Indicator: This will be evident when students answer questions posed by the teacher after reading the text. Students will answer questions derived from textual information immediately after reading the text.

3. Students will describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Indicator: This will be evident when the students identify differences and similarities between themselves and the student from Kenya, in the book.

Craft & Structure: 5. Students will know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text. Indicator: This will be evident when the students are able to identify the heading on the page dealing with the student from Kenya.

Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity 10. With prompting and support, students will read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1. Indicator: This will be evident while the teacher reads this text to the class because it is a complex. Student will be asked to identify certain words included in their site words. Prompting and support is however, required.

MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*) Students will be asked to sit on the carpet. They will be asked to close their eyes and imagine going to school somewhere else in the world. The teacher will recommend the children to imagine they were living in Africa. Imagine having to go to school and having to do chores, sweeping the floor and cutting the grass while you go to school. The students will be asked to open their eyes and the teach will introduce the book, Its Back to School We Go! by Ellen Jackson. The teacher will read the Authors note to the class and explain what nonfiction is, and that the book si based on eleven real students around the world.

MATERIALS Its Back to School We Go! by Ellen Jackson Teachers copy, Its Back to School We Go! SMART Board /Chalkboard / White Board Differences/Similarities Handout

STRATEGIES (Learning Strategies*) Direct Instruction: This will be evident with the teacher explains what nonfiction literature is and the teacher explains what the book is about and read the book to the class. The teacher will also explain what differences are and similarities are. The teacher will read the text to the class. This will be evident when, as a class, the students and teacher discuss the details of the story, dealing with what Acheing (the main character) did at school and at home.

Group Discussion:

Cooperative Learning: This will be evident when students discuss similarities and difference between Acheing and themselves in groups of 2-3. Independent Study: This will be evident when students work on the handout individually at their desks and identify at least three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya.

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*) The student who is an English language learner will be provided with content specific vocabulary words prior to the lesson Students with IEPs will have one on one help in finding difference and similarities Student with fine motor skills will be allowed access to computer to write three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities between themselves and the student from Kenya.

DIFFERENCIATION OF INSTRUCTION Tier One: Given assistance by teacher and/or aid, the student will identify three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya. The Student will identify at least three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya. The student will identify three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya on the handout given, as well as identify the action verb in their identifications.

Tier Two:

Tier Three:

DEVELOPMENTAL PROCEDURE Activities (learning tasks*: 1. The story of Acheing, the student from Kenya, will be introduced to the class. As from the prior lesson about headings, the students will be asked to identify the head on the page. ( Can anyone tell me what a heading is? Can you tell be where the heading is on the page?) 2. The story will be read aloud to the class by the teacher, clarifying any vocabulary that needs to be explained. 3. Students will be asked to name some of the activities that Acheing did while she was in school. (What did Acheing do when she went to school?) 4. The students will be asked if they do the same things as Acheing. (Are those the same things or different things than what you do at school) 5. Students will be asked to name some of the activities that Acheing did while she was at home. (What did Acheing do when she went to school?) 6. The students will be asked if they do the same things as Acheing. (Are those the same things or different things than what you do at home?) 7. The students will be asked to get into groups of 2 or 3 and talk about the things they do in school and/or at home and discuss the things Acheing does at school and/or at home. 8. After the group work, the students will return to their desks and complete a worksheet. The students must identify at least three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya before moving on to independent reading. Key Questions: Can anyone tell me what a heading is? Can you tell be where the heading is on the page? What did Acheing do when she went to school? What did Acheing do when at home? Are the things Acheing did the same or different than the things you do at school? Are the things Acheing did the same or different than the things you do at home?

ASSESMENT (Artifacts and Assessment [Formal & Informal]) Students will identify at least three accurate and correct differences and three accurate and correct similarities about the student from Kenya.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE The students will follow up the lesson by completing a worksheet that has spaces to identify the differences and similarities between themselves and the student from Kenya.

FOLLOW-UP: DIRECT TEACHER INTERVENTION AND ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT Direct Teacher Intervention: The teacher will work with the students to go over examples of differences and similarities between the students and the student from Kenya as a class before the students for their independent practice. While the students are doing their independent practice, the teacher will go around the room to individual students to supervise and help the students. Academic Enrichment: After five minutes of doing the independent practice, students who can not complete the task will need further enrichment. The students in need of academic enrichment will be asked to sit on the carpet and receive further instruction on the topic, while the other students move on to independent reading time at their desks. Students in need of academic enrichment will be guided by the teacher and work together to come up with ideas for identifying the differences and similarities.


Hubbard, Janie. "Social Studies Research and Practice." Social Studies Research and Practice. The University of Montevallo, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. Glasco, Courtney Itss Back to School We Go! Worksheet 04.Mar. 2014 "It's Back to School We Go!: First Day Stories from Around the World." N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. Jackson, Ellen, and Jan Davey Ellis. It's Back to School We Go: First Day Stories from around the World. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook, 2003. Print

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