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EMILY ALLISON COOK 5499 Hill Road, Powder Springs, Georgia 30127 770-845-3786 emil !"oo#37$gmail!

EDUCATION %"&a"'ern Hig' S"'ool( )iploma, %a 2011 Poin* +ni,ersi* ( -all 2011-Spring 2012 Georgia S*a*e +ni,ersi* ( -all 2012-Presen* REFERENCES )on and . nn /r0mp 5505 Hill Road, Powder Springs, G2 678-653-7211 6o'n Gaines 4215 6imm .ee Smi*' P#w Hiram, G2 30141 678-333-2807 /a*' 1'eeler Green 3oma*o 4055e*, Powder Springs, G2 404-569-4040 6a"o7 8ewland 50 4arre** Par#wa , S*e! 4000 %arie**a, G2 30066 770-843-6292 EMPLOYMENT P&3 S93398G : )on ; . nn /r0mp <PR8 7asis= 2010 > Presen* )0*ies( -eed, wa*er and 'a 5or *'e 'orses, 5eed, wa*er and "lean li**er 7o?es 5or se,eral "a*s and 5eed 5is'es in pond, in addi*ion *o "leaning 5il*er! GR&&8 3@%23@ 4+--&3 20g 2011 > 8o,em7er 2012 A 60ne 2013 > 60l 2013 )0*ies( Rolled sil,erware, "leared and "leaned *a7les, wai*ed on *a7les, se* *a7les, 'ad *o "omple*e Bside wor#C ea"' da : w'i"' "onsis*ed o5 s0"' *'ings as ma#ing *ea and "o55ee, "0**ing lemons, "leaning *ea 0rns and "o55ee po*s, 5ill nap#in 'olders and "ondimen* "on*ainers! S3&D9 4ES 60ne 2013 > 8o, 2013 )0*ies( /as'ier, prepping and s*re*"'ing do0g', o""asionall "oo#, 70s *a7les, and "0* and wal# "rea*ed piFFas *o "0s*omers! .@%2 P9GG&R92 )0*ies( /as'ier, Ser,er, and 70s *a7les VOLUNTEER P@1)&R SPR98GS( 9 'a,e ,ol0n*eered wi*' 2dap*i,e P!&! a* %"&a"'ern Hig' 5or *'e pas* *wo ears! 9n *'is program, 9 in*era"*ed wi*' spe"ial needs "'ildren and *a0g'* *'em new s#ills in li5e! 9 'a,e also ,ol0n*eered a* Re5le"*ions o5 3rini* , separa*ing, selling, and 'anging "lo*'es! 3'is 'elped me *o learn mar#e*ing and "omm0ni"a*ion s#ills! 23.2832( 9 ,ol0n*eered in a program a* Grad %emorial Hospi*al! 9 wor#ed *'ere e,er %onda 5rom 3-6 and -rida 5rom 1-3 Spring semes*er 2013! LEADERSHIP AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES H@S2 <Heal*' @""0pa*ion S*0den*s o5 2meri"a=( 10*' : 12*' Grade S*0den* /o0n"il( 11*' Grade

-/2 <-ellows'ip o5 /'ris*ian 2*'le*es=( 9*' : 12*' Grade Girls So""er( 9*' : 11*' Grade </ap*ain o5 6D Girls So""er( 11*' Grade= /ross /o0n*r ( 10*' Grade P'i %0 <Sorori* a* m s"'ool=( 20g0s* 2013-presen* SKILLS

9 #now *'a* i* *a#es an in"redi7le amo0n* o5 'ard wor#, dedi"a*ion, and good ed0"a*ion *o ge* an w'ere in li5e! 9 #now *'a* 9 'a,e *'e dri,e and proper amo0n* o5 dedi"a*ion *o p0rs0e a good ed0"a*ion and also #now *'a* going *o "ollege is *'e onl wa *o a**ain *'is! 9 'a,e grea* "omm0ni"a*ion s#ills and lo,e people! 9 am ,er organiFed, alwa s 'a,e a good a**i*0de and am a ,er 'ard wor#er! 9 'ope *o ge* in,ol,ed in "l07s, spe"ial programs, and wor# programs *o assis* me in ge**ing *'is #nowledge *'a* 9 will need *o p0rs0e m "areer! AVAILABILITY: PART-TIME

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