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Heather Pappas Wendy April 1st- 17th Physical ISTAR Assessment

ISTAR KR: Sensory Integration: Regulates sensory input with some assistance Rating: 3 During circle time, Wendy sat on the floor and followed the hand motions that Ms. Davidson performed while she sang the circle time song at the same time. During the circle time song Abel let out a loud cry, Wendy continued to perform her hand motions upon hearing Abel let out a loud noise. Next Step: Calms when taken to different environment

ISTAR KR: Physical Stability: Demonstrates stability, balance and control in upright position Rating: 4 While out on the outdoor playground, I asked Wendy if she could stand on one foot. Wendy lifted on foot up and lightly held onto the storage closet as she balanced. She remained in this position for a few seconds.

Next Step: Balancing without holding onto another object

ISTAR KR: Gross motor skills: Coordinates forward movement Rating: 4

During outdoor play, Wendy sat on the walking tricycle and moved the tricycle forward as she moved one foot forward at a time on the cement. Wendy moved the tricycle in a forward motion while she held a cup in one hand and held onto the handle with the other.
.Next Step: Skips

ISTAR KR: Object control: Uses both hands in the middle of the body Rating: 3 After Wendy rode on the walking tricycle (10:45 AM) she walked over to the storage bin and picked up a yellow ball. Using both hands she threw the ball from the center of her body by straightening her arms out in a quick motion. The ball moved forward a few feet. Next Step: Uses hands to do finger play songs

ISTAR KR: Precision hand skills: Uses fingers of two hands to complete activities Rating: 3 Around 11:45 AM Wendy walked over to the art center and picked up a pair of scissors. A teacher assisted her in placing specific fingers in the holes of the scissors. Wendy opened and closed her hand a few times then preformed this technique on the edges of a piece of paper. Next Step:. Uses markers and pencils while holding paper

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