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Franklin Township Recovery Plan Annual savings Fire/EMS has reduced mutual aid when applicable General operating

levy on ballot (amount was not discussed) Reduction of hours from 40 to 32 per week for 2 road dept. employees Allocate fuel to appropriate funds Cancel all credit cards/open one credit card Excess mileage reimbursement was eliminated Mileage reimbursement must be preapproved by Trustees Shared work between townships Eliminate late fees Reduce cell phone charges Discount with Verizon Eliminated fiscal officer medical/dental insurance Eliminate fiscal officer office phone/fax Eliminate fiscal officer office additional internet Pursuing grants for funding and equipment for fire/EMS Received $8500.00 grant for new helmets and gloves to replace broken/ damaged/ out dated equipment Majority of routine maintenance and repairs on fire trucks and squads are being done by staff and community volunteers Majority of Fire and EMS training is being done in house Outside fire and EMS training must be approved by Trustees Fuel savings because of canceling unneeded vehicles on runs Continuing to apply for EMS grant funding to support squad mission with training, supplies and equipment Applying with State Fire Marshall's office for refunding of fire training cost that is excepted Monitor waste/usage of utilities, ie: gas, water and electric All purchases must be preapproved by Trustees Contacted LGS - Acounts for the period 2011- April 2013 will be reconciled Township will have 2013 reconciled by the end of 2013 Changes to Century Link service for FD and Garage Reduction of elected official salary due to 2013 budget decrease Wages will be reallocated to appropriate funds Funds will be reallocated properly Voice over IP phones will be addressed Road department days off will be split up during the winter months to always have somebody in the township during the week Note payable to Richland Bank was paid off (Squad) 1,400.00 65,000.00 13,700.00 1,500.00 Implement Implemented May 2013 May 2013 Implemented May 2013 Sept 2013 Implemented May 2013 May 2013 May 2013 May 2013 May 2013 Implemented

1,500.00 7,000.00 330.00 15,754.00 900.00 1,500.00

2,000.00 2,500.00

Implemented Implemented Implemented


November 2013

Implemented May 2013 444.00 9,638.00 Sept 2013 Implemented


July 2013


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