Eng Paper 1 Sarawak

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JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini mengand ngi !" soalan. #. Ja$a% sem a soalan &. Tia'(tia' soalan dii) ti oled em'at 'ili*an +a$a'an, iait A, B, - ata A, B, dan D. Bagi setia' soalan, 'ili* sat +a$a'an sa*a+a, Hitam)an +a$a'an )am 'ada )ertas +a$a'an o%+e)ti. /ang disedia)an. !. Kam *enda)la* men )ar +a$a'an, 'adam)an tanda /ang tela* di% at. Kem dian *itam)an +a$a'an /ang %ar .

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 13 halaman bercetak.

[Lihat halaman sebelah]

SECTION A u!"ti#n" 1 $ 4 S%LIT

Choose the &!"t word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut 1 The young of a swan is called a ___________ A cygnet C gosling B nymph ' eaglet . They found four wounded eagles in a ______________ on top of the hill. A nest B web C coop ' kennel 3. !"ery month# my grandfather goes for a medical check$up at the ________________. A bank B hospital C market ' gymnasium %. &nakes belong to the _________________ family. A mammal's B reptilian's C herbi"ore's ' amphibian's

u!"ti#n" ( $ ) (ead the te)t and choose the &!"t phrase based on the pictures gi"en. Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar- gambar yang diberi.



an olden city a historical city a modern city A in a trishaw


in a bus on a bullock cart

two photographs B a few post cards C some sou"enirs

1 *ased on the picture gi"en# choose the &!"t answer. S%LIT

u!"ti#n" + $ 10

Berdasarkan gambar- gambar yang diberikan, pilih jawapan yang terbaik.


SECTION B u!"ti#n" 11 $ 1( Choose the &!"t answer to fit the situation shown in the picture Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.



SECTION C u!"ti#n" 1* ,-0 %

Choose the &!"t answer to complete the sentences Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat- ayat berikut. 1+ They ___________ to the ,oo last week go * gone C went . going The _______________ of sailors cleaned the deck. * C . 10 team nest troop crew


The 1Titanic' ship sank to the bottom _____ the sea. * C . at on up of


3e tied a piece of cloth ____________ his head. * C . 0 around into along round

4y mother ga"e me a pair of earrings. ________ are mine. A B C 5t The Them S%LIT

' u!"ti#n -1


5 Choose the word that has the #pp#"it! m!anin. for the word underlined. Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 21 Do not go near to those dangerous rocks. Stay here where you will be ________. A B far safe C D amazing happy

u!"ti#n" -- $ -/ Choose the answer with the correct "p!llin. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

u!"ti#n" -- $ -/ Choose the sentence with the correct pun0tuati#n1 Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 24 A B C D Which, do you prefer fried rice or chicken rice which, do you prefer fried rice or chicken rice Which do you prefer, fried rice or chicken rice Which! do you prefer fried rice or chicken rice + S%LIT B C D 25 A & ( D "sn#t $hat %in hock#s Sister "sn#t that %in 'ock#s sister "sn#t that %in hock#s sister isn#t that kin hock#s Sister

SECTION ' u!"ti#n" -* $ /0 *ased on the picture# choose the &!"t answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

6n the e"e of Chinese 7ew 8ear# the family has a family reunion. The family members who ____ 9 +: ____ near or far apart from their parents pay a "isit to ____ 9 /: ____ parents

and ha"e dinner together. -fter dinner# the children play fireworks ____ 9 0: ____ outside the house. !"eryone stays up "ery late awaiting the 7ew 8ear. 6n the first day of Chinese 7ew 8ear# the Chinese ____ 9 2: ____ sweeps the floor as they belie"e good luck will be ____ 930: ____ away throughout the year. -* A -) A -+ A happier -2 A can B cannot C will not ' was not S%LIT stayed their happy B B B staying his happily C C stays her C happiness ' ' stay our '

/0 A






/ SECTION E u!"ti#n" /1 $ /( (ead the label below carefully and answer the ;uestions that follow. Baca label di bawah dan jawab soalan- soalan yang berikut.


<hy must the ketchup be consumed by 15 4ay 000= A B C ' 5t will turn bad after 15 4ay 000. 5t will taste better after 15 4ay 000. 5t will be sticky before 15 4ay 000. 5t will be sold cheaper after 15 4ay 000


The following statements are true about *eri$*eri Tomato Ketchup !30!pt A it contains tomato puree and "inegar S%LIT

B C '

it must be used by 15 4ay 000 animal parts are used in its making it weights %00g


The phrase th! 0h#i0! #4 .#u5m!t 0 0h!4" means that gourmet chefs A B C ' prefer using the ketchup dislike the taste of the ketchup only use the ketchup for baking find the ketchup too e)pensi"e


8ou can find this product most likely in a A B C ' restaurant coffee shop supermarket market


<hat is the passage about= A B C ' *eri$*eri >ood 5ndustries ?ermitted ingredients *eri$*eri Tomato Ketchup @ourmet chefs


u!"ti#n" /* $ 40 2 .o you know who 4other Theresa was= &he was a great woman who helped the poor and sick. &he was born on -ugust + th# 1210 in 4acedonia as -gnes @on)ha *oAa)hiu. 3er family was wealthy and generous. They cared for the poor and less fortunate. *y the time 4other Theresa was 1 # she knew she was going to help the poor when she grew up. <hen 4other Theresa first became a nun# she Aoined the &isters of Boreto in .ublin# 5reland. - year later# she left for .arAeeling in 5ndia. &he became a teacher and principal of &t. 4ary's 3igh &chool in Calcutta. -fter more than 1/ years# she left the school for Calcutta's slums. 4other Theresa set up her first school there. &ister -gnes# a former student# became 4other Theresa's first follower. -ccording to 4other Theresa# their aim was to care for 1the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are avoided by everyone'. 5n 125 # 4other Theresa and the Calcutta officials opened the Kalighat 3ome for the .ying. This is a place where e"en the poorest people could die with dignity. 5t was later renamed Kalighat# the 3ome of the ?ure 3eart 97irmal 3riday:. &he also opened &hanti 7agar 91City of ?eace':# a leper colony. 4other Theresa and the sisters continued opening hospices# orphanages and leper houses all o"er 5ndia. The cared for the poor and made them feel wanted. They also opened homes around the world. 4other Theresa tra"eled e"erywhere to raise money for the poor. *y then# 4other Theresa was admired for her charity work. &he recei"ed many awards. 5n 12/2# she won the 7obel ?eace ?ri,e. 3owe"er# in 1205# 4other Theresa had a heart attack. &he reco"ered but after a few illnesses# this An.!l #4 6!507 passed away on &eptember 5th# 122/. &he was 0/.


<hat is 4other Theresa's real name= A B C &ister -gnes -ngel of 4ercy -gnes @on)ha *oAa)hiu S%LIT

' /)

&hanti 7agar

<here did 4other Theresa first go after becoming a nun= A B C ' .ublin Calcutta .arAeeling 4acedonia


<hich of the following &!"t describes 4other Theresa= 10 A &mart B C ' Coyful 3ardworking Compassionate


The phrase An.!l O4 6!507 refers to A B C ' &ister -gnes 4other Theresa &isters of Boreto 7obel ?ri,e


<hat happened to 4other Theresa in 1205= A B C ' &he suffered a heart attack. &he won the 7oble ?eace ?ri,e. &he opened houses all o"er 5ndia. &he set up her first school in Calcutta.




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