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Gamete Formation Worksheet Advanced Biology Chapter 7 pages 14 !


Name_____________________ Date______________________

#ll$strate the process o% gamete %ormation in males &elo'( SPERMATOGENESIS

#ll$strate the process o% gamete %ormation in %emales &elo'( OOGENESIS

D#)C*))#+N ,*-).#+N) 1/ Compare the cells %ormed a%ter 0eiosis 1 in &oth spermatogenesis and oogenesis/ 1o' do they di%%er in si2e and shape3

4/ Why is the cytoplasm $ne5$ally distri&$ted in oogenesis3

6/ #n males7 spermatogenesis is contin$ally occ$rring/ #n %emales7 oogenesis is s$spended a%ter 0eiosis #/ 0eiosis ## is not complete $ntil a sperm enters the egg/ What might &e the reason %or this3

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