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Lesson Plan

Deborah Donovan CHD145 Changwoo Lee 11/25/2011

Title: I am in the Jungle Imitate all the animal movement Objectives: !he "hil# will $arti"i$ate in tru"ture# an# un tru"ture# $h% i"al a"tivitie
#e igne# to in"rea e heart rate an# breathing while im$roving mu "ular trength an# &le'ibilit%( )tu#ent will gain mu "ular trength an# &le'ibilit% while imitating animal * movement + e $e"iall% tho e that re,uire u ing the arm to u$$ort the bo#% weight(

-oo. that are relate# with animal or movement /i"ture o& man% animal 0tiger+ bear+ $ig+ rabbit+ na.e+ 1u i" an# oun# o& animal Car# mat"hing game

Bring the group together and read them books about the animals ( 2'$lain to the "hil#ren that all the animal live in a #i&&erent $la"e+ eat #i&&erent &oo# + an# oun# #i&&erent( Ask children to identify each animal and imitate their sound. !ea"h "hil#ren about the name o& the animal an# how the% oun# li.e( /la% mat"hing game with them an# let them imitate animal * oun# ( ho! one animal at a time and let the children to guess their movements !ith sounds. Let "hil#ren to u e their bo#% $art to imitate the animal ( )how a $i"ture o& an animal an# en"ourage "hil#ren to move an# oun# li.e that animal( Play animal planet game !ith music. /la% animal imitate game with mu i"( 3hen the tea"her hol# u$ a $i"ture o& animal+ all the tu#ent "reate the movement an# oun# o& the animal(

!hi a"tivit% i not m% &ir t time( !hi a"tivit% ha #one everal time with .i# + but I a##e# more new movement to ma.e them "hallenge( 4&ter rea#ing the boo. with .i# + we will learn how animal move an# oun# li.e( 3e will &ollow animal * movement ( 3henever I #o thi a"tivit% with m% tu#ent + I ee the im$rovement &rom them( )ome .i# were having a har# time to #o man% $h% i"al a"tivitie be"au e the% #i#n*t have enough mu "le trength to u$$ort their bo#%( However+ now all the .i# "an &ollow what I a . them to #o( I ee lot o& $rogre than be&ore( I "an "hange thi a"tivit% an# give more "hallenge to the .i# + u"h a + ob ta"le "our e an# animal ra"e(

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