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Harmanpreet Singh English 1103 01/15/2014 Literacy Memoir My literacy history would pro a ly e pretty close to the same

as most other people!s" # ha$en!t really done anything special% other than ta&ing '( Literature and composition while # was in high school" 's )ar as reading goes% # always en*oyed reading as a &id +Mostly )antasy stu)), Harry (otter% etc-% ut # ha$en!t really read anything aside )rom stu)) assigned in class or out o) te.t oo&s in a while% e$en though # used to read all the time" /hile # don!t consider mysel) a good writer y any means% #!$e also always een told that whene$er #!$e written a paper% no matter how much # s!d it or how much # procrastinated on it that they!$e always een good papers" 0his happened a lot throughout my '( Literature class" # may not ha$e gotten the highest grade% ut the grade # got was certainly impressi$e" #!m not e.actly sure i) that means #!m actually a good writer% or i) #!m *ust a really )antastic s!er" Either way% # don!t mind" 's )or communication% # used to e a really shy person" # ne$er spo&e much or sociali1ed nearly as much as e$eryone else did" Howe$er% in recent years% mostly once # started high school and on% that changed pretty 2uic&ly" /hen # started wor&ing as a cashier at a grocery store in 'pril o) last year% # )ound that # started sociali1ing a lot more% whether it was with a customer or with the people # wor& with" #t!s e$en gotten to the point where people recogni1e me +that!s not really $ery hard though- and tal& to me whene$er #!m not wor&ing" #t!s really weird sometimes" #!$e also een told that #!m a good spea&er" /hether that has anything to do with it% # don!t &now" 3ther literacies o) mine would mostly include anything to do with technology% mo$ies% or $ideo games +Halo in particular-" E$er since # was a &id% #!$e een into that &ind o) stu))% mostly all lumped into one general area" (eople ha$e always come to me as&ing me )or help when it came to anything technology related% whether it was computers% phones% whate$er +#t might ha$e something to do with

the )act that #!m indian" May e"- 'nd ecause # always try to help people whene$er the opportunity presents itsel)% e$en i) # had no idea what the issue was% #!d go and loo& it up and )i. it" 0hat!s pretty much how # learned nearly e$erything that # &now" 's )or mo$ies and games% #!$e een around the two )or most o) my teenage li)e% and #!m always loo&ing )orward to new releases and watching a mo$ie or playing a game in my )ree time" Most o) the time% whene$er # need to research something% # loo& to 4oogle" 5eah% # &now that!s pro a ly the most go,to place )or e$eryone nowadays to research stu))% ut it!s incredi ly use)ul" 6nless # &now the topic at hand is in a oo& that # can easily access% that!s what # do )irst" Most o) the time what #!ll do is #!ll write down the things that # need to research% and then #7ll ha$e a separate document up so that # can 2uic&ly *ot down any use)ul in)ormation that # )ind" Sometimes% not not incredi ly o)ten% #!ll stum le across in)ormation that may change my mind a out what #!m writing" /hene$er #!m writing a paper% most o) the time #!ll *ust stare at a lan& document )or a solid 8 hour trying to thin& o) how to start" 0hen once # get going% #!m usually a le to )inish it within a couple o) hours i) it!s something that has to e a )ew pages in length" 0hen when #!m done% # loo& ac& o$er )or any spelling errors% and lea$e it" Most o) the time% # ne$er completely reread my papers )or )ear o) completely changing my mind and throwing o)) the whole thing" (retty much the only time #!ll go ac& is when # remem er to add something or # )ind something that needs re$ising" 3therwise% # lea$e it e" 0hat!s pro a ly the one thing # really need to change a out my writing ha its" #n all honesty% # didn!t thin& # was going to e ta&ing this class until # went to my ad$iser and they told me that # needed to ha$e an English class to get the general education re2uirement out o) the way" 0hat eing said% # don!t really mind that #!m in the class" #!m *ust than&)ul it!s not an o$erly huge class where # )eel li&e # can ne$er as& the instructor )or help or anything" #!m pretty content as )ar as the class goes" # *ust really hope # did this assignment the right way"

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