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420 Fifth Avenue, Seventh Floor New York, New York 10018 April 3, 2014 Andrew Shaw Ingra

!"N#$ 1102 %ear &r' A((ot) I a here to *tate + ,lai on how to e-pand the *o,,er ,ulture in the .nited State*' It *tart* with the &$S, the (igge*t league of *o,,er that A eri,a ha* nationall+' /he &$S ha* ,ertainl+ (e,o e a *u,,e** and *houldn0t (e ,riti,i1ed (e,au*e it i* the ,lo*e*t thing to a national league that the *tate* have' It al*o ha*n0t failed like previou* atte pt* at a national *o,,er league that in,lude* the .S$2.nited So,,er $eague*3 and NAS$2North A eri,an So,,er $eague3, whi,h are now ver+ * all, unre,ogni1ed *o,,er league* in our ,ountr+' So although the &$S i* an e**ential *tart for our ,ountr+0* *o,,er ,ulture, there are *till a few thing* to ,hange for the league to reall+ (e,o e an A eri,an pa**ion like the other national *port league* of our ,ountr+' /he fir*t thing I would like to addre** i* the draft *+*te ' 4urrentl+ there are three eligi(ilit+ re5uire ent* for the draft' /he*e re5uire ent* in,lude pla+er* that are invited and parti,ipate in the &$S pla+er* ,o (ine2whi,h ,an onl+ (e ,ollege *enior* fro %ivi*ion I *,hool*3, pla+er* that have (een *igned (+ #eneration Adida*, and pla+er* that are *pe,ifi,all+ no inated (+ &$S tea *' /he*e are ver+ *pe,ifi, re5uire ent* ,on*idering all of the other option* to ,hoo*e fro ' If the &$S were to e-panded the*e re5uire ent* then there would (e u,h ore opportunitie* for other pla+er* in the ,ountr+' 4on*idering the &$S doe*n0t have a reputation of a top league in the world, (ringing in ore pro*pe,t option* would help the &$S grow' 6ith ore pla+er* to ,hoo*e fro around the ,ountr+, ore tea * ,ould (e added, pla+er*

fro all *tate* ,ould have a ,han,e to (e,o e profe**ional, and +outh tea * ,ould even (e developed for ever+ &$S tea ' Another pro(le I would like to ,o ent a(out i* the one!league *+*te the &$S ha*' A* I entioned earlier the .S$ and NAS$ are * aller league* that the ,ountr+ ha*, (ut are hardl+ known' If the &$S ,ould involve the*e league* and take the in a* *u(!divi*ion*, the &$S ,ould (e,o e ore of a ,o petitive *+*te ' In "ngland the+ have *o ething ver+ *i ilar, and look at the ,ulture of *o,,er there' /he+ have the top league, the 7ar,la+0* 8re ier $eague, and other * aller league* that in,lude* the Foot(all $eague 4ha pion*hip, Foot(all $eague 9ne : Foot(all $eague /wo, and ore' /hi* *+*te of league* ha* pro otion* and relegation*, *o the tea * of ever+ league ,an advan,e to a (etter league or (e de oted to a lower league' If the &$S ,ould e ulate thi* *+*te , the tea * of the league would have greater a (ition to do (etter a* well a* a ,o petitivene** that our ,ountr+ would endeavor to wat,h' /he la*t i**ue I would like to ention i* the *alar+ ,ap that the &$S hold*' I do under*tand the &$S ha* to (e,o e a (igger league and organi1ation for ea,h tea to have ore one+ to inve*t into pla+er*' 9ther national *port league* of our ,ountr+ hold* *alar+ ,ap* of ;100< illion' /he onl+ wa+ to pro ote *o,,er *tar* around the world to ,o e pla+ for our league i* with one+' So,,er *tar* are re,eiving u,h ore one+ in one +ear than what the entire &$S *alar+ ,ap per tea ,an give the , whi,h i* ;3'1 illion dollar*' If our ,ountr+ were to inve*t into the &$S *o the league ,an have a *alar+ ,ap like other profe**ional *port league* in our ,ountr+, *o,,er ,an (e,o e =u*t a* *u(*tantial' 6ith a (igger *alar+ ,ap, pla+er* and ,oa,he* around the world would have an in,entive to ,o e to A eri,a' 9ur ,ountr+ would have (ig na e pla+er* and people involved in the league, a+(e eventuall+ giving the &$S the title of a pre ier league of the world' I hope +ou will ,on*ider + ,hange* for the *ake of &$S and the *o,,er ,ulture of our ,ountr+' So,,er ,an (e,o e =u*t a* revolutioni1ed a* it i*

ever+where in the world with *o e differen,e and innovation' /hank +ou for +our ti e' Sin,erel+,

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