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POD (plan of the day) for ELED 300.

001 Instructors: Alejandra Martinez, Sarah Looney, Luis Rasgado, Viviana Ramos, Rachel Maclnnis Class meets: One-time only April 10, 2014 9:30-10:45 Class location: EDS 131

Week 11: April 8&10 Attention Getter! T: Whoop. S: There it is.... Our call and response for this week: T: The moment I am in one country. S: I am homesick for the other. .Allen Say Lesson for the Day: Schema Questions Grandfather Journey (Book) Journal about immigration/ Book Vocabulary Citizenship quiz Video Class Family Tree Kahoot / Closer

Important housekeeping announcements: Remember to upload your microteach presentation onto your e-portfolio after you present for future use and the last check-point for the semester.

Coming Soon.. Tuesday April 15 Microteach group on World History Dina Cristan, Laura Risley, Emily Waddle, Christina Gutierrez, Zach Hartmeier April 24 review Final sharing of EFE April 29 deadline for EFE paperwork (mentor evaluation sheet, log, copy of 4 reflections questions submitted online) Comprehensive final Have a Great Summer


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