04-11-14 Newsletter

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3, 2, 1First Grade

April 11, 2014

3 Things Learned: 1. To write informational text a. Students are choosing topics they know and care about to write their own informational texts. 2. To describe the weather a. Students learned to describe the current weather in their weather journals using their five senses, temperature, their clothing, and the potential activities they could do on that specific weather. 3. To identify cardinal directions a. Students read a class read-aloud book about directions and learned how to locate objects when given its relative cardinal directions to an object.

2 Questions to Ask: 1. What is precipitation? (Rain, snow, sleet or hail that falls to the ground). 2. How is an open syllable word different from a closed syllable? (Closed syllable has one vowel followed by one or more consonants, while open syllable does not. Open syllable also has a long vowel sound). a. Ex. got (closed syllable) b. Ex. go (open syllable)

1 Thing to Try: Make a prediction of the weather tomorrow. In class, students learned that people can predict the weather by observing the clouds. Thick, dark clouds usually mean precipitation. Light, white clouds or no clouds usually mean sunny weather.

Reminders and Requests: Although the weather has grown warmer, it can still be chilly when students are outside for recess. Please send students with a light jacket.

Students can access e-books on tumblebooks.com. The username is franklinsc and the password is books. Students could try the following four series: Who Likes Rain? Who likes Snow? Who likes Wind? and Who likes Sun? as a continuation of our weather unit that we just finished. It was my honor and pleasure to plan and lead the class for a full week! Thank you for entrusting me to teach your sons and daughters!

Lucia Jeong Mrs. Stamps 1st Grade Class Student Teacher Franklin Elementary School

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