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Task Analysis/Lesson Plan NAME: _Rachel Nakabayashi______________ DATE:__4-21-14_____________ LESSON TOPIC:_Simple Rhythms___________________________________ COURSE:_4th grade music___________ SEMESTER: _fall__________________

Clearly Written Four-part Performance Objective(s): Will be able to clap and count out all of the rhythms accurately. National Standards addressed: 1) Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 5) Reading and notating music. Clearly Written Step-by-Step Task Analysis:
1) Review what the time signature stands for. -Have one student put the right amount of whole notes. -Have another student put up half notes. -Have another student put up quarter notes. -Have another student put up eighth notes. -Have another student put up sixteenth notes. 2) Review what students wrote on the board. 3) Erase what is written on the board. 4) Ask questions on note values as review. 5) Hand out the written rhythm sheets. 6) Have all students count out all numbers together. 7) Have students assigned to certain numbers. 8) Have students clap all of their rhythms all together. 9) If time allows, students switch parts.

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