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Paulina Hernandez Larumbe

March 31, 2014

Elizabeth Hinnant
ENGL 1102-030

Diversity in Community College: Annotated Bibliography

Hostager, Todd J. & De Meuse, Kenneth P. The Effects of a Diversity Learning
Experience on Positive and Negative Diversity Perceptions. Journal of Business
and Psychology 23.3 (2008): 127-139. JSTOR. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

Hostager and De Meuse research the negative and positive effects that diversity
has in the workplace and in schools. The authors conduct experiments on groups in the
work place to see what their initial thoughts on diversity are and conduct similar
experiments once again after taking a diversity-informational class. They found that
women are more positive about the aspect of diversity in the workplace than men are.
Another finding of this research was that after taking the class, there was an overall
increase in the positivity towards diversity in both men and women.
Much like in my research, the authors of this study found that there are both
positive and negative outcomes, which come from diversity. The article states that, on
the negative side, diversity has been associated with undesirable personal and
interpersonal outcomes (128): with one of the negative effects being increased social
divisiveness (128). This effect was clearly apparent in the research I conducted myself.
While the authors dont go into detail of each different effect, in my research it proved
true that diversity often causes people to be shy or indifferent around people whom are
different that them.
Furthermore, Hostager and De Meuses study found that older students have a
more positive view of diversity as opposed to younger students. This finding also proved
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 9:56 AM
Comment [1]: uoou summaiy!
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:00 AM
Comment [2]: You coulu auu a quote
about a positive impact.
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 9:58 AM
Comment [3]: Naybe finu a quote to
suppoit this.
Paulina Hernandez Larumbe
March 31, 2014
Elizabeth Hinnant
ENGL 1102-030

true in my personal research because in the different environments I observed, older
students seem to be a lot less concerned about whether or not they were socializing with
other students of the same age, race, or gender.

Bowman, Nicholas A. How Much Diversity is Enough? The Curvilinear Relationship
Between College Diversity Interactions and First-Year Student Outcomes.
Research in Higher Education. 5.8 (2013): 874-894. JSTOR. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

This article focuses on the way interactions between students changes before and
after their first year of college. Bowman conducted a study of students from various
different schools: universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges. He found
that students who had a better psychological being had significant growth in their
interactions with other students whom were different from them while other students had
little to no growth in their interactions.
Bowman makes a point in saying having a racially diverse student body only
provides educational benefits to the extent that students from different racial backgrounds
actually interact with one another (877). This was refreshing to read because throughout
my research I never thought about all the positive outcomes that interracial socializing
would have if people actually interacted with each other. The point Bowman makes helps
me to widen my view on this specific topic. If racially diverse students interacted with
one another, they could be enlightened with new ideas they maybe wouldnt have before.
Reading this made me that my topic could be looked at from a different perspective to see
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:20 AM
Comment [4]: Besciibe what they mean
by psychological being. What uo they mean
by significant giowth.
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:23 AM
Comment [5]: uoou!
Paulina Hernandez Larumbe
March 31, 2014
Elizabeth Hinnant
ENGL 1102-030

the success students achieve when they engage with students who are racially diverse
from them.
Harper, Cassandra E. & Yeung, Fanny. Perceptions of Institutional Commitment to
Diversity as a Predictor of College Students' Openness to Diverse Perspectives.
Review of Higher Education. 37.1 (2013): 25-44. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2014
In this article, Harper and Yeung research the way higher education provides
students with diversity. They study that diversity helps students improve their education
and widen their views on topics. Their research found that students feel that diversity in
their school can lead to positive outcomes.
Harper and Yeungs research found that almost half of freshmen students have
friends who are the same race as them while only a third of juniors do the same stating
that the racial diversity among students closest friends, revealed that 42% of
freshmen respondents and 30% of junior respondents had friends exclusively of the same
race (34). While I did my research I dont think I had ever taken into account that the
classroom I observed was a freshman-level class. This makes me wonder if maybe the
lack of interaction with one another in the classroom came from the fact that the students
were still not 100% accustomed to their environment.
Harper and Yeung also mention that: Students saw the diversity of their
friendships as somewhat incidental because they did not focus on race in their friendship
choices; rather, they made friends with the students they encountered most frequently
during their first year of college (27). This statement circles back to my own research
because if this is true, another reason for the lack of interaction between students in
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:29 AM
Comment [6]: Auu a statement about
how it ielates to youi stuuy
Paulina Hernandez Larumbe
March 31, 2014
Elizabeth Hinnant
ENGL 1102-030

community colleges is that they dont see each other frequently. In my research, I found
that most students attending community college go to their classes, and leave. Unlike a
college campus, where most freshmen live in dorms and see each other around campus
throughout the day, community college students may not be around each other enough to
interact with one another in a significant way.

Mayhew, Matthew J. & Engberg, Mark E. Diversity and Moral Reasoning: How
Negative Diverse Peer Interactions Affect the Development of Moral Reasoning
in Undergraduate Students The Journal of Higher Education. 81.4 (2010): 459-
488. PROJECT MUSE. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.

Locks, Angela M., Sylvia Hurtado, Nichonals A. Bowman, Leticia Oseguera. Extending
Notions of Campus Climate and Diversity to Students Transition to College.
The Review of Higher Education. 31.3. (2008): 257-285. PROJECT MUSE. Web.
31 Mar. 2014.
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:30 AM
Comment [7]: veiy goou analysis
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:03 AM
Comment [8]: Isn't just a comma neeueu
Paulina Hernandez 4/2/14 10:03 AM
Comment [9]: uoou citation!

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