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photo essay Jackie Turner: self discovery

This picture has been on my computer since I rst found it which was a little after I started college. It was just something that instantaneously made me feel very curious. Also extremely happy, I just thought it was the funniest and cutest picture I had ever seen. I wanted to gure it out and further more it made me want to gure myself out as I started college on my own. It really warmed my heart to seem these little uffy things on a new adventure, but doing so together and full of happiness. That is what all the colors and rainbows in the picture stuck out to me as they did. I felt as though they really describe my thoughts and personality in a photo. As well as my curiosity for discovery.

When I came to Soar this past summer and realized I was about to do something I had never done before, I took this picture. I wanted to post it everywhere and be proud of it. But I was really looking for comfort from others by doing so. I knew it was a monumental step. Though I had no idea just how much I would change and develop, or how much I would learn and make of myself. But I knew that I wanted to experience it to learn new things about my self and how I handle challenges.

I chose this picture because during my rst year of school it made me question a lot of things about myself. Realizing I am growing up and changing. I have identied a better means for living and discovering my spirituality. I have found a more powerful direction.

This photo was chosen because it really exemplies my creative view on things. As well as actually representing the change I have made in my work ethics. And the steps I have taken to nd myself and other things important to me and my priorities in life. I have turned my priorities around to do what is best for me. All as a result of learning from myself while I experience new things at college.

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