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Michael R.

E- AIL: 345 FOXCROFT DRIVE IVYLAND, PA 18974 CELL PHONE: (267) 278-6353 !942"#$%&%'(%#) *%+,-.%: /..0:112-3%!-4567767!%'4(8%%+'9(:421

OBJECTIVE To obtain a teaching position in a strong learning environment, where I can positively affect the education of my students to provide them with the necessary understandings to excel outside of my class while furthering my own education. EDUCATION Bloomsbu g Unive si!"# Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Bachelor of Science in Business Administration !ar"eting # !ay $%%& 'PA within !ar"eting !a(or ) *.+, D e$el Unive si!"# Philadelphia, Pennsylvania !asters in -ducation and .urriculum Secondary Social Studies) .urrently -nrolled 'PA ) /.% E%&ERIENCE Ne' (o)e *olebu " (igh *chool+ *!u,en! Teaching o Janua " -./0+A) il -./0# 0esigned logic curriculum to be new introduced into the 1onors Philosophy course .reated lesson plans using 2b0 format and meeting Pennsylvania .ommon .ore Standards 0esigned varied assessments to provide all students with the opportunity to showcase their understanding .reated modified lesson plans to accommodate the needs of diverse learners 1 a2! 3oo,s+*ales Re) esen!a!ive o Jul" -.//+Janua " -./4# 1orsham, Pennsylvania Sold new item displays and ensured new product shelf placement. 3esponsible for training new employees on techni4ues and procedures -xceeded sales ob(ectives with sales as high as 55/6 Increased sales v. prior year. Planned and implemented strategies to increase consumer awareness 0esigned wor"loads and daily schedules and tas"s for direct reports 1 a2! 3oo,s+*enio *ales *e vice Re) esen!a!ive o Ma ch -./. 5 Jul"-.//# 1orsham, Pennsylvania !aintain a timely and accurate call schedule. -stablished and maintained a rapport with "ey store personnel. Identify and communicate individual store problems and opportunities to the appropriate 7raft personnel. Provide order)writing support on territories for Sales 3eps during their absence. (I*TOR6 CIRRICU7UM COUR*E 8OR1 2.S. 1istory .olonial to 5899 2.S. 1istory 5899 to Present American :ational 'overnment Ancient ;estern .ivili<ation ;estern .ivili<ations 5+%% to Present 1istory of Philadelphia .ultural 'eography *1I77*9 ACTIVITIE* : A8ARD* Participated in 7raft=s !anagement development program, A'I>- ?$%55@ Assistant .oach ) !en=s Aarsity >acrosse Team # .ouncil 3oc" South 1igh School ?$%5%)Present@ President Treasurer # Bloomsburg 2niversity S"i B Snowboard .lub ?$%%9)$%%&@ !ember # Bloomsburg 2niversity !en=s >acrosse .lub ?$%%+)$%%&@ .aptain ) !en=s Aarsity >acrosse Team ) .ouncil 3oc" South 1igh School ?$%%+@ -agle Scout # 1eld positions of Assistant Senior Patrol >eader)!eetings, Assistant Senior Patrol >eader) .ommunications, Troop 'uide, Patrol >eader ?5&&8 # $%%+@

&RO3E**IONA7 ORGANI;ATION* .areer Advancement 0irector ) Bloomsburg 2niversity !ar"eting Association ?$%%8)$%%&@ American !ar"eting Association ?$%%+)$%%&@

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