RPH SC Year 6 6 Jan 2013

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6P 10.45- 12.15 Science

THEME: INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS TITLE : LIVING TOGETHE O IN SOLITA ! LA : 1. Interactions among living things LO : 1.1 Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary LO : !tate that some animals live in groups !tate that some animals live in solitary "ive e#amples o$ animals live in groups "ive e#amples o$ animals that live in solitary. ACTIVITIES " 1. %upils telling their e#periences a&out animals they have seen or encounter. 2. Teacher poses another 'uestion to generate pupils ideas related to the animals li$e style. 3. Teacher leads discussion(re$ers to mind map and concludes that some animals live in groups )hile others lead a solitary li$e. 4. %upils o&served the animals li$e style &ased on *+OMs that related to the topics. 5. %upils complete the )or,sheet given &ased on the o&servations &e$ore.

SPS # CCTS O&serving ommunicating Ma,ing in$erences +elating SANV -eing than,$ul to "od Appreciating the &alance o$ nature -eing cooperative MS Use and handle science apparatus and su&stances .VOCABULA ! Anchios/i,an &ilis Association/perhu&ungan -am&oo shoot/re&ung &uluh E'uili&rium/,eseim&angan Hornet/te&uan 0aguar/harimau ,um&ang Territory/,e)ilayahan 1olatile/mudah meruap 2asp/penyengat 3PE$A SPS 1- C1%C2%C& SPS 4- C4


45.16/ 5.76 %.8E!IHATA9

T()*+ : 8esihatan *iri dan +eprodu,ti$ S,(n-(.- $(n-*n/(n: 1.1 Mengetahui dan memahami pertum&uhan dan per,em&angan $i:i,al yang sihat. S,(n-(.- Pe01e2()(.(n: 1.1.;: Menyata,an ,epentingan men<aga ,e&ersihan anggota se,sual. 1.1.7: Mengamal,an pen<agaan ,e&ersihan anggota se,sual dalam ,ehidupan harian. B(3(n B(n,*(n Be2()(. : 8lip video =Upin dan Ipin > *iri -ersih -adan !ihat -ahagian ;? Laman )e&: http:(())).youtu&e.com()atch@ vA#gB;U4% L(n/+(3 Pen/()(.(n" 1. Tayangan ,lip video &er,aitan ,epentingan men<aga ,e&ersihan anggota &adan. ;. Menyata,an ,epentingan men<aga ,e&ersihan anggota se,sual. =Lampiran 1? 4. Menyenarai,an amalan pen<agaan ,e&ersihan anggota se,sual dan meleng,ap,an peta minda.


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