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Xiuzhu Chen Ms. Rand English 1102 3/20/14 Annotated Bibliography Assignment for the Inquiry Project 1.

Key words My inquiry project is the negative influence of social media to teenagers. So, I list these key words, the negative influence, social media and teenagers. These key words definitely help lead me to get the right information. When I type the teenagers and social into the search blanket, it does not take me into the right direction because the key words also include some positive influences. There are more general terms relate to my topic that works well as keywords because the social media influence is a big inquiry project. When I type the negative and social media in to the search blanket, the first result comes into my mind is the social networking which was written by Kenneth Partridge. Absolutely, I do not think this is the perfect resource which I need. Then, I try to use the teenagers and social media as my key words. I get the America's teenagers-myths and realities: media images, schooling, and the social costs of careless indifference which was written by Sharon Nichols and Thomas Good. In my opinion, this one is definitely a good recourse to my inquiry project. Finally, I try to use all of the key words into the search blanket. I get the Promoting the health of adolescents: new directions for the twenty-first century which is about the health problem of social media to adolescents. 2. Concept map

3. Evaluation of the sources My inquiry topic is the negative influence of social media to teenagers. Firstly, I find a survey which is the connection of teenagers and media. Some 93% of teens use the internet, and more of them than ever are treating it as a venue for social interaction a place where they can share creations, tell stories, and interact with others (Lenhart, Macgill, Madden, and Smith). 55% of online teens ages 12-17 have created a profile on a social networking site such as Facebook or MySpace; 47% of online teens have uploaded photos where others can see them, though many restrict access to the photos in some way; and 14% of online teens have posted videos online (Lenhart, Macgill, Madden, and Smith). After reading through this survey, I am so surprised the result of social media influence. Most teenagers are involved with the social media and they also

would like to share with personal information to strangers from social media. Actually, the content produced by users may be revealed to both intended and unintended audience (Van and Emam). Since anybody can register on the website, anybody can view the content on the site. For example, any person y may create fake accounts in order to obtain data from unsuspecting users (Van and Emam). This can cause a serious problem because the privacy information leaks to some strangers. The social media to teenager also can influence the family relationship. From iFamily: Internet and Social Media Technology in the Family Context shows that the teenagers use more social media in family will cause the less communication between family members. I agree with the result because I also have the same feeling when I overuse the social media. The negative influence of social media can also lead to violence and crime. In Secrets and Dangers: The World of Todays Teens At school, is an online community that is wildly popular with teens, where online diaries and personal profiles are posted for public perusal. Teens talk about finding parties and illegal drugs using MySpace. There are many violence video which related with teenagers in The most dangerous part of the negative influence of social media is crime. In recent years, the teenagers crime rate increase 12% than ten years ago because of the social media (Ferguson 9). In my opinion, the social media should be considered as a very big issue because it is not only the governments work, but also the parents task. We should help the teenagers regulate the time and content in social media. 4. Works cited Lenhart, Amanda, Rankin Macgill, Mary Rankin, and Aaron Smith. "Teens and Social Media." Trans. ArrayPew Internet & American Life Project , 2007. 2. Print.

van, der V. M, and Emam K. El. ""not All My Friends Need to Know": a Qualitative Study of Teenage Patients, Privacy, and Social Media." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : Jamia. 20.1 (2013): 16-24. Print. Williams, Amanda L, and Michael J. Merten. "Ifamily: Internet and Social Media Technology in the Family Context." Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 40.2 (2011): 150-170. Print. Secrets and Dangers: the World of Today's Teens. Lawrenceville, NJ: Films Media Group, 2006. Internet resource. Ferguson, Christopher J. Adolescents, Crime, and the Media: A Critical Analysis. New York, NY: Springer, 2013. Internet resource.

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