Advance. in This Scenario, The Supervisor Seeks Input From Those Employees Responsible

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1 Make decisions and changes without involving them Rather than consulting with your team on issues that

affect them, just make the decision without them (after all, you know best...dont you? and tell them what youve decided (or just let them find out for themselves . !nd never, ever ask for their views, ideas, feedback or o"inions# Make what should be a collective decision, alone and in advance. $n this scenario, the su"ervisor seeks in"ut from those em"loyees res"onsible for im"lementing a decision, im"acted by a decision, or sim"ly whose insights would be informative. %ubse&uently, em"loyees come to understand that the solicitation was an em"ty gesture and as a result, offer little commitment to the endeavor. ' (ell, dont ask )ont give "eo"le freedom of choice in how to do their jobs. $nstead, tell them e*actly what to do, how and when to do it, and make sure they dont do anything without your "ermission + "referably re&uiring them to com"lete a series of lengthy forms to get your authorisation. , -eglecting to deal with "roblems %ome managers avoid conflict and tough conversations at all costs. (his often takes the form of shying away from addressing "erformance "roblems, reluctance to make necessary course corrections to a "roject for fear of offending someone, or not intervening when another de"artment is creating roadblocks. $ronically, while these managers are usually just trying to be liked, over time the o""osite ha""ens. !s "roblems go unresolved and difficult decisions go unmade, staff members grow frustrated and lose motivation to work at a high level (and the best among them usually leave . / -ot e*"laining your actions or sharing com"any data. 0ust because you hold the cards doesnt mean you should hide them. 1*"laining the big management decisions will hel" em"loyees understand your "ers"ective and they will res"ect you for it. 2ikewise, sharing key com"any data such as revenue and "rofits validates staff contributions. %o, never e*"lain why you do something. Make decisions with clear reasons behind them. )ont be arbitrary. 1*"lain why you do what you do. )ont let it look like you are on a "ower tri".

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