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Taylor Grant Professor Adam Padgett ENGL 1102 11 March 2014 Annotated Bibliography Topic: Social media vs.

education and social skills

Inquiry: Why does social media have such a profound effect on social skills and education in young people? Proposed Thesis: Because social media impairs and slows down social skills and is ever present and distracting in the academic setting.

Rankin, Sherry. "The Impact of Text Messaging Language Shortcuts on Developmental Students' Formal Writing Skills." Diss. Texas A&M University, n.d. Udini. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. < goid:807418333/>. This piece is a dissertations written by Sherry Rankin. Sherry Rankin currently has a Ph.D in Education from Texas A&M University. The dissertation has four main research questions which will be very helpful to me while writing my final paper. The four research questions are (1) how students use language shortcuts in their academic writing, (2) how language shortcuts influence students' spelling and grammar skills, (3) how well students are able to differentiate between casual writing and academic writing, and (4) how the use of language shortcuts influences the amount of writing students do. I agree with Rankin that these four main questions are very important and pertain greatly to

my inquiry and thesis. Rankin starts off by introducing the case study which consists of 25 students including student interviews observation of a writing assignment and a graded composition. She then talks about the nature of the study and how it is just a single case study. The case study exams of the impact of texting on the development of a student writing skills. She brings us population and sampling next where she talks about the participants of the program. In section two she begins to talk about how writing teachers have encountered new challenges because of the overuse of textspeak. I intend to use her four research questions as a foundation to the beginning of my paper and expanding off of them. Expanding off of these four questions will help me come up with solutions to each of them. I agree with all of Rankins main points. I also intend to use the case study as a real life example in my paper. Case studies like this are very helpful in gearing my paper in the direction that I want. The full dissertation is 90 pages and its cuts off after the beginning of section two because you have to purchase the rest, but the information given is still relevant and helpful to my paper.

Koikai, Elizabeth. "The Negative Impact of Social Media on Our Lives." The Moose. N.p., 8 May 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. < social-media-on-our-lives/>.

This article is current because it was written in 2013 and has relevant information. Elizabeth Koikai discusses that while all aspects of social media are not negative, the aspects that she will discuss are negative. Koikai discusses six negative aspects of social media and they are, (1) Addiction to social media, (2) Constant comparison with others,

(3) Personal vs. Professional Presentation, (4) Making Friends online, (5) Distraction, (6) Cyberbullying/ Hate Speech. Her section Constant comparison to others is something in intend to focus on in my paper because its very true and not often brought up on other websites. It is currently extremely relevant because I know I do it myself and its the reason many young people have a low self-esteem. Society already has killed young girls self-esteem by showing unrealistic women in media and now social media is contributing to this unrealism as well. I will also focus on cyberbullying and hate speech as well because it affects a large number of young children and can lead to depression, low self-esteem and possibly even suicide. This is relevant because I plan to expand of social skill and into self-esteem related issues with my research paper. This website is reliable even though it has an odd name because its a website used by teachers and students in college level classes. They can post essays, papers, and dissertations to be read and commented on my other students and professors. I enjoyed this article greatly and I believe its because Elizabeth Koikai is young and can relate and compare to young people and I agree with all of her main points. I will use much of this article information in my final paper.

Ahn, June. "The Effect of Social Network Sites on Adolescents' Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 62.8 (2011): n. pag. Wiley Online Library. Wiley, 26 Apr. 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

June Ahn is a professor at the University of Maryland and has a PhD in Urban education policy. This article discusses how teenagers are among the highest number of social networking users. It explains how studies show that teenagers spend a considerable amount of time on social networking sites and that is largely how they get their daily interaction with others. This brings up questions about the effect social networking sites have on adolescent development. This article outlines the framework researchers have previously used to understand young people and social networking sites. It also brings together work from different fields that also examine the relationship between social networking sites, privacy, youth safety and educational achievement. This article speaks to high profile concerns that surround youth participation on social networking sites. I intend use a lot of information given in this article and agree with mostly all of his main points. Specifically the section Does Participation in SNS Affect Psychological WellBeing and Self Esteem? I am also going to use information from the, Does Social Network Site Use Affect Student Grades and Learning? because it correlates strongly to the main point of my paper.

Davis, Charles, Regina Deil-Amen, Cecilia Rios- Aguilar, and Manuel Sacramento Gonzalez-Canche. "Social Media in Higher Education.". University of Arizona, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014./ < ucation.pdf>.

Charles Davis is a research specialist and doctoral student working on his PhD at the University of Arizona. Regina Deil Amen is a professor at the University of Arizona with a PhD in Sociology from Northwestern University. Cecilia Rios Aguilar is an associate professor at Claremont Graduate College and received her PhD from the University of Rochester in Education Management. Manuel Sacramento Gonzlez Canch is a Ph. D. candidate in Higher Education at the University of Arizona. This article discusses social media and how it has become a growing phenomenon with many different definitions in public and academic use. It also discussed the face-to-face engagement that is lacking in the current generation. This article focuses on Facebook and Twitter as the main social media sites. One section of the article that I intend to use it titled, Becoming Social. This section focuses on how our relationship and connections have transformed since the introduction and explosion of social networking sites. It also brings up a great point that I want to incorporate into my paper about the influence and persuasive power of online communities on how we think, organize, and act politically. I also intend to use some statistics from this article. For example, +90% of college students have a Facebook profile. This shows how connected college student are to the internet and social media. It also shows the connectivity between people and how powerful online communities can be to some people.

Guy, Retta. "THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ACADEMIC PRACTICE: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE." Kentucky Journal of Higher Education 7th ser. 1.2 (2012): 121. Http://

University of Kentucky, 23 July 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

Dr. Retta Guy is an associate professor at the Tennessee State University and has an M.P.A in public administration and an Ed.D in instruction and administration. This journal discusses the radical change in the World Wide Web, changing from and information repository to a social environment where we are not only passive and active receivers of information we also create information. This is an outlook I also intend to incorporate into my paper. This journal focuses on educators and how they are trying to engage their students with social media and technology because they feel that nothing else can quite captivate them and capture their attention as well as social media. I will also incorporate a study that revealed the top four reasons why student use social media sites. They are 1) Social engagement, 2) Direct communication, 3) Speed of feedback/results, and 4) Relationship building. These are just some things that I will incorporate into my final paper and I agree that these are the reasons that young people engage in the use of social media.

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