Impact Young People'S Ministry: Let's Make It Loud! Let's Make It Happen!

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CREW LEADERS ROLES The purpose of this document is to help you as a leader to better understand your role as a role model of the young people in your crew, with an understanding that in your doing these things you will contribute greatly to take Impact to another level of relevance and effectiveness in ministry. Lets make it Loud! Lets make it Happen! The greatest desire of all young people is the desire to know God in an intimate way so this should be your number one priority. Help the young people know that God Values them and that you value them, because people want to be valued.
Make sure that your crew members belong to a department so that they can also add value. Meet at least twice a month but this doesnt mean thus the only time you get in touch with the Young people. Follow up to be done to check up on them i. Call them at least once a week ii. Sms them words of encouragement iii. Meet with them one on one once a month Help the young people grow in their walk with Christ How 1. Prayer- Pray for them, with them (exemplifying how to pray) and teach them on prayer 2. Word of God- give them a book in the bible to read, Give them scripture references that address specific things and meet with them to read and explain the word 3. Build a loving relationship with the young people. 4. Create a community for them to fellowship with other crew members 5. Teach how to win souls and encourage them to tell others about Christ 6. Help the crew members understand who the Holy Spirit is. It is your responsibility to notify the crew members of the activities in the Church & at Impact. Grow your crew: Sunday outreach/ meetings outreach to identify the young people who are not in crews and invite them to your crew. Crew Leaders to submit a monthly report every 22nd of the month on the progress of the young people in the crew. Liaise consistently with the Crews H.OD. Above all nurture these young people so they can grow up to be mature Christians who are serving God, serving people and serving destiny

To build up a young person of security, confidence, self-worth and maturity in an atmosphere of love, excitement, achievement and direction.

Lets Make it Loud! Lets Make it Happen!

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