List of Volcanoes in Papua New Guinea

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Mountain Name Ambitle Bagana Bakanovi Balbi Baluan Bam Bamus Billy Mitchell Blup blup Bola Buru

Dakataua Garbuna Garove Garua Goodenough Hargy Volcano Iamelele Kadovar Karai Koranga Lamonai Langila Lihir Lolo Lolobau Loloru Madilogo Manam Mt. Giluwe Mt. Hagen Mt. Lamington Mundua Narage Pago

Location Feni Islands Bouganville, PNG Bouganville, PNG Bouganville, PNG Admiralty Island Northeast Papua New Guinea New Britain Island, PNG Bouganville, PNG East Sepik Province West New Britain Province West New Britain Province New Britain Island, PNG West New Britain Province Witu Islands West New Britain Province D'Entrecasteaux Islands New Britain Island, PNG Fergueson Islands Papua New Guinea West New Britain Province Morobe Province, PNG Fergueson Islands New Britain Island, PNG New Ireland Province New Britain Island, PNG New Britain Island, PNG Bouganville, PNG New Guinea Island, PNG Papua New Guinea Southern Highlands Province, PNG Western Highlands and Enga Province, PNG Oro Province, PNG Witu Islands Witu Islands West New Britain Province

Type Composite Cone Cinder Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Shield Composite Cone Composite Cone Cinder Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Shield Shield Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Cinder Cone Composite Cone Shield Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Shield Cinder Cone Composite Cone Shield Composite Cone Composite Cone Complex Volcano Composite Cone Cinder Cone

Last Eruption 350 BC - 100 BC 2013 unknown 2008 1931 1960 July 12, 2006 1580 1830 1921 2,500 years ago 1900's 2008 unknown unknown 100,000 years ago unknown unknown 1700's 2006 2012 unknown November-December 2012 unknown unknown 1969 1988 1,000 years ago unknown 220,000 years ago 210,000 years ago January 1956 10,000 years ago 1863 2007

Activity Active Active unknown unknown Active Active Dormant Active Dormant Dormant Dormant Dormant Active unknown Active Dormant Dormant Dormant Dormant Active Dormant Dormant Active Active Extinct Dormant Dormant Dormant Active Extinct Extinct Active Dormant Extinct Active

Rabaul Volcano Ritter Sakar Sulu Range Takuan Taluman Tanga Tavurvur Tore Ulawun Umboi Victory Mountain Waiowa Walo Yelia

Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain, PNG Ritter Island Papua New Guinea New Britain Island, PNG Bouganville, PNG St. Andrew Strait New Ireland Province East New Britain, PNG Bouganville, PNG New Britain Island, PNG Morobe Province, PNG New Guinea Island, PNG New Guinea Island, PNG West New Britain Province New Guinea Island, PNG

Shield Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Cinder Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Composite Cone Complex Volcano Composite Cone Cinder Cone Shield Composite Cone

2013 and on-going 2007 no historic eruption unknown Halocene Period 1957 unknown 2013 10,000 years ago 2014 unknown 1940 1944 2006 18,000 years ago

Active Active Dormant Dormant unknown unknown unknown Active unknown Active Active Dormant Dormant Active Dormant

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