Bayan Muna To Sec. de Lima: Release Napoles List Now!

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News Release April 25, 2014 Reference: Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, 091 !"50459

BA#AN M$NA %& '(C. )( *+MA: R(*(A'( NA,&*(' *+'% N&-.

Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares said that It is best if Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima ould release the list supposedly !i"en by Janet Lim# Napoles alon! ith the e"idence to pro"e it no because as it is there are so many lists croppin! up that it ould be hard to chec$ their authenticity%& 'his ill also sho if administration allies are on it and if the ()uino administration ould pursue cases a!ainst them. If the list is not made public immediately then the fear of it bein! saniti*ed ill be +ustified%& Rep. Colmenares ended. ,,,
/or more informa0ion, please con0ac0: CAR* A*A Me1ia &fficer 091 5110459

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