God Lets Satan Test Job: Bible Study Guide For All Ages

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Lesson #46

God Lets Satan Test Job


Job 1:1-22

The very first verse gives us what information about the character of Job?

What does the name Job mean?

He was called the greatest of all the people of the East (1:3). Describe his possessions and household as mentioned in verses 2-3. Here in verses 4-5 is an indication that Job lived during the days of the patriarchs rather than under the Mosaic Law, because he offered sacrifices for his family. Why, according to verse 5, did Job offer such sacrifices? Who are the sons of God that appeared before God? (1:6) Satan also came. What does the name Satan mean? Where had Satan been? (1:7; 1 Peter 5:8) FOR DISCUSSION Why would God even allow Satan in His presence? Why would God have Satan consider Job? What did God say about Job? (1:8) What questions did Satan ask of the Lord, and how did that introduce the suffering that Job is about to face? (1:9-11) FOR DISCUSSION How do these questions that Satan asked of God in verses 9-11 show the utter contempt that he has both for God and for the servants of God? What permission was granted to Satan by God, and what limitations were placed upon Satan? (1:12) While he was still speaking - Describe the wave of devastating news that comes to Job. (1:13-19)

THE PATIENCE OF JOB (James 5:11) - How did Job respond to the catastrophes that he faced that day, and what did he say? What didnt he say? (1:20-22)

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