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Lesson #47

Satan Attacks Jobs Body with Sores


Job 2:1-13

As in chapter 1, Satan, along with the sons of God come into His presence. God asks the same question about Job, and makes the same statement about Jobs character. What did God add, though, about Jobs integrity, in verse 3? Skin for skin - What did Satan request this time to do to Job and why? (1:4-5) What permission did God grant unto Satan, and with what limitation? (1:6; 1 Cor. 10:13) Describe the pitiful state in which Job found himself. (1:7-8) CURSE GOD AND DIE - What is going on in the mind of Jobs wife, according to verse 9, and how is her statement another attack from Satan upon Job? Remember, she lost everything Job lost, too. This is one of Satans most disgusting and sinister schemes, and that is using the ones closest to us to get at us.

In all this Job did not sin with his lips What did Job say to rebuke his wife? (1:10) Name Jobs three friends. (1:11) Why, according, to verse 11, did these friends come? Apparently, Job had been disfigured by these boils (1:12). What happened for the next seven days? (1:12-13) FOR DISCUSSION Why is silent support many times the best thing we can offer for a hurting person? (Proverbs 25:20; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

FOR DISCUSSION What if someone were to look at Job 1 and 2 and say, Humans are just pawns used by God to settle disputes with the devil. What would be the Scriptural response?

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