Lesson 51

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EXODUS 2:1-25; 18:2-4

Lesson #51

Moses Youth


Exodus 2:1-25; 18:1-5

Hebrews 11:23 By ________ Moses, when he was born, was hidden _____ months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not __________ of the king's command. What did Moses mother do to hide Moses from Pharaoh? (2:3) How did Moses sister (Miriam) show great shrewdness? (2:4-8) FOR DISCUSSION How is Gods providence at work here in the early life of Moses? (2:9-10) What does the name Moses mean? (2:10) What does Acts 7:22 tell us about the education and upbringing of Moses? FAMILY TREE Moses was both the grandson and great-grandson of Levi. How is that possible? (See Exodus 6:16-20 and Numbers 26:59). Acts 7:23 When Moses was _______ years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren How did Moses take Gods justice into his own hands? (2:11-12) Moses supposed that the Israelites would understand what about him? (Acts 7:24-25) How did the Hebrew man respond to Moses efforts to rebuke him? (2:13-14) What caused Moses to flee from Pharaoh? Where did he go? (2:15) Reuel, the priest of Midian, is also called by what name? (2:16,18; 18:1-5) Moses, once again intervened when there was trouble. How did he help the 7 daughters of the priest of Midian? How did Reuel bless Moses because of this? (2:16-21) What did Moses name his two sons, and why? (2:22; 18:3-4)

MAP WORK Find these locations on a Bible Map

Goshen, Midian Egypt, Nile River

During the time Moses was in Midian, what was going on in Egypt and in heaven? (2:23-25)

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