Evaluation Question 6 Planning-Gledi

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

How have you found filming on HD or DV video?

It was new It was a challenge It was a fun challenge

What have you learnt about recording and editing sound, images and video? Time consuming What equipment and programs have you used (photoshop, garageband, final cut express)? Final Cut Pro What is the process you went through to create your product? Talk about what we done before we started using technology Filming Editing Sound Compressing the Final Cut What files have you had to use to transfer media? All files Have you used any digital effects on your sounds and images? Not really we have used one song throughout the whole final cut and we have only put titles on the final cut

How have you published your work on the internet? We have YouTube to upload our final cut. We have then uploaded it on our blog

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