Playground Activities Planning

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Developmental Objective Exploring materials from the playground Set-up The outside discovery table will be used the entire week. Gather the appropriate material from the playground for each day of the week. ( Use the outside shovel to retrieve the materials from various areas of the playground Place the corresponding tools in with the corresponding days. Place the outdoor discovery in the area that the materials were found from that day. For example when there are woodchips in the discovery table place table in the woodchip area of the playground. Schedule of objects Monday Rocks (outdoor buckets and shovels as tools) Tuesday Woodchips Wednesday Sand Thursday Rocks Friday Sand Activity Once the discovery table is filled the children will be given the opportunity to manipulate the particular playground material that has been chosen for that day. Please empty the discovery table at the end of the day Foundations SC.1.46enjoy filling and dumping things P.4.3uses both hands in the midline of the body P.4.6uses objects as tools

Developmental Objective Exploring a variety of art activities that can be performed on the playground Set-up Mon-Tues: set out blanket outside near triangle windows. Wed: Retrieve all three forms of chalk from planning shelf. Make large square frame on surface using painters tape. Thursday: Take long mirror by office door down and place outside. Then tap paper in a circle so that it surrounds the mirror. Friday: same as Wednesday but on brick on the side od CSC. Monday: Same as Thursday Schedule of objects Monday Window Painting Tuesday Window Painting Wednesday Chalk Exploration Thursday Mirror paintings Friday Chalk Exploration Monday Mirror paintings Activity Mon-Tues: Children will be given the opportunity to create art on the triangle classrooms windows using window markers. Wednesday: Using the three forms of chalk (squirt bottle, paint roller and normal chalk) children will be able to create their artwork on the cement portion of the playground, or on the sidewalk by the purple people that leads up to the CSC. The area (listed above) that the teacher feels will be most appropriate for that particular time in the day should be utilized. Use the blue painters tap to create a large square frame and encourage the children to use the chalk inside of the frame. Thursday: Children given paper to paint using inspiration from the elements (woodchips, rocks, sand) displayed on the mirror. Friday: Same as Wednesday but encourage children to use the chalk on the side of the CSC. Make a frame for the children on the brick using the blue painters tape. Monday: Same as Thursday ** If the weather does not allow the children to go outside, there is a large black canvas and neon paint that can be used as an indoor alternative art activity.** Foundations FA.1.55show individuality in artwork FA.1.69use a variety of materials (e.g., crayons, paint, clay, markers) to create original work

Developmental Objective Exploring the movements of water through tubes Set-up Place the grid (one of the drying racks) on top of the Discovery table. (Vertically so that there is still a space for the children to retrieve water from. Attach the funnels to the tubes and intertwine the tubes in the grid. Place a mess mat on the floor. Place water in the discovery table. Be sure to place scoops or small measuring cups in the table as well. *make sure the children are wearing paint smocks* Activity Encourage children to experiment with the water in the discovery table using the funnels attached to the clear tubes. Discuss the various cause and effect situations that may arise when experimenting! Foundations SC.1.11observe and describe properties of objects SC.1.71show curiosity in objects and sounds

Developmental Objective Encouraging playground movements using sensory materials Set-up: No set up required Activity: Indoor-Ball mobile Outdoor- encourage the children to explore the sensory material as they swing Foundations SC.1.37use their five senses to learn about the environment SE.1.14jointly attend to object of interest to self

Developmental Objective Exploring gross motor movements that can be used on the playground such as running and jumping. Set-up: Place CD in CD player

(Jump Up Turn Around)

Activity Perform the movements appropriate movements when the song states to do so. Foundations P.4.7manipulate objects by throwing or catching (i.e., large balls with two hands, striking, swinging) P.3.15perform basic rhythmical skills alone and/or with a partner (e.g., the child marches and dances to music or rhythmical sounds in free form or with simple adult directions)

Developmental objective Explore movements and materials of the playground Set-up Put CD in CD player for after circle time (gross motor) Activity Monday AM: Growing Vegetable Soup By: Lois Ehlert Monday PM: Bounce By: Doreen Cronin Tuesday AM: Mud By: Mary Lyn Ray Tuesday PM: Wiggle By: Doreen Cronin Wednesday AM: Hands Can By: Cheryl W. Hudson Wednesday PM: We Play By: Phyllis Hoffman Thursday AM: Our Friends on the Playground (story created from the children at CSC) Thursday PM: The Bunnies Picnic By: Lezlie Evans Friday AM: Up, Down, and Around By: Katherine Ayres Friday PM: Like a Windy Day By: Frank Asch and Devin Asch Monday AM: Stretch By: Doreen Cronin Monday PM: Hello Toes Hello Feet By: Ann Whitford Paul Foundations ELA.2.2visually engage with a book ELA. 2.7actively attend to things that an adult is showing ELA.3.15anticipate actions, sounds, or phrases from a predictable story ELA.4.5react to a story or event

Circle Time Song

Welcome Song (Name) is here at circle time, circle time, circle time (Name) is here at circle time, lets all clap our hands!

Goodbye Song
Tune: (Shell be coming around the Mountain)

Oh it's time to say goodbye to all my friends Oh it's time to say goodbye to all my friends Give a smile, wink your eye Oh it's time to say goodbye It's time to say goodbye to all my friends Goodbye!

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