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Perspectives Student Journal


Snow Fell on Winter Gardens

Galaktion Tabidze

Snow fell on winter gardens, A black coffin was carried out And the banners unfurled, Swept up in the wind. The path was desolate Formless and dark. Another coffin was carried out The cry of the raven: Let the bells toll! Bury them! Snow fell on winter gardens. 1916

Perspectives Student Journal


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Perspectives Student Journal


I love
Giorgi Leonidze

I love the song of blossoming buds Not the clapping of autumn leaves, O, how I love my dark pathway, Especially when its mists surround me. I love the boundless strength of thunder, Droplets from waterfalls that sprinkle my chest, Every joyous moment, however short, I will celebrate in my heart.

Perspectives Student Journal


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Perspectives Student Journal


Blowing Wind
Galaktion Tabidze

Blowing wind, blowing wind, blowing wind, Leaves are swept along its path Rows of trees, armies of trees bend and sway Where are you, where are you, where are you? How it rains, how it snows, how it snows You are not to be found! Your image follows me, haunts me Everywhere, every moment, always! A distant sky seeps misty thoughts Blowing wind, blowing wind, blowing wind! 1920

Perspectives Student Journal


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