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Q Hai, Naili.. N Hai, Nada.. Q How are you? N Im fine, and you?

you? Q Im fine too, thank you N What do you want to drink? Q I want a tea N Okey, I will drink Cola. Wait, Ill order for us. yinliao Q By the way, hows your husband? Does he busy recently? N Yes, he was an army. And, he works in Sulawesi. Q When do your husband go home? N Yeah, sometimes every month, sometimes every two months

N Yes! BTW, do you have child? Q Not yet, haha Im too busy with my work.

N And, whats your job? Q Im a doctor. N Wow, where do you work? Q At RSUD Salatiga N I always go to RSUD Salatiga when Ali was sick. But, I never meet you at there? ? Q Oh, im not children doctor, but im specialist for pregnancy (kandungan)

N Oh, I see. And, what s your husband job? Q He was a doctor too. But we are LDR (Long Distance Relationship), haha

N Oh, i know why you still dont have child yet. And, where is your husband works?

Q So, you just with your child in home? N Yes, I have a kid, He was Ali

Q Now, he is still in Jakarta for a duty. But, Insya Allah, next month, he will come back to Salatiga and work in RSUD Salatiga too.

Q How old is Ali this year? N He is 7 y.o Q Oh, he still in elementary school, right?

N So, every day, your house was so quiet?

Q Not too, because my mom stay with me. And, i also have a pet. A cat. N Oh, I see.. (beverages coming)

N Yes, until now i still like singing. Singing while sweeping. Singing while cooking. And singing while bathe also!

Q Wah, i miss your beautiful voice, Naili.. come on, lets sing! Q Thank you, mbak.. Lets drink.. N (slurrpp.. together) N Oke oke, so, what song? Q Uhmm... do you know this song? (playing MP3 on HP) Q What is your activity every day? N Yes, i know, i know! The singer is Jay Chou, right? N I am a housewife, but I like write a novel when i have free time. Q Wow, you must be a great housewife! N (start singing) N Hehe thank you Nada, you too.. Q So, you stay only with Ali? N Thanks. Eh, what time is it? Q Ah, 12.30. Do you have another plan? N Yes, of course!! Come on, have a child soon! So, your house become little crowd. N Yes, at 13.00 i have to pick up Ali. Q Hehe So, pray for me, Naili.. Q I also have to back to hospital too at 1 pm.. N Sip, Nada. So, you still do your hobby? You used like photography so much right? N But, now is still 12.30.. Q Yes, but I seldom do it now. But, i have a plan with my husband after he back to Salatiga. We will have a travelling trip around some places in the world. I think, i will take many object pictures. Q So, lets sing song again before say good bye. Ah, Naili, do you still remember a song that laoshi teach us when SMA? Q (clap her hand) Your voice is still amazing! Q Yups, please sing this song?

N Wow, thats so cool. You are a young couple, and it just like a honeymoon? Hehe

N Oh, F4 song? Like this? (singing jue bu neng shi qi ni)

Q+N (singing together) Q Hehe, yeah.. and, your hobby is still singing? THE END

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