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CHEM 211 Quantum Chemistry 2nd Semester 2013-2014 Chemistry Department, College of Science & Technology, Adventist University of the Philippines Prof Laverne De Guzman Ladion

canonical = conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure (Merriam-Webster 2012) = relating to a set of equations that is reduced in form yet without losing generality (Dr Claro M Llaguno 2007) Hamiltonian Canonical Equation of Motion:


i = H i

and let - i = H i

Objective: Derive the equation

Basis: Total Energy = Kinetic Energy Potential Energy H(qn, Pn, t) = i, Pi - L(qn, n, t)

Take the differential on both sides, we now have

(Hdqi+HdPi+Hdt = (i dPi + Pi di ) (Ldqi+Ldi +Ldt) qi P i t qi i t Pi to simplify the equation, let: Pi = L d (L) = L i dt i qi i Pi i = L qi

2 sides are equal only if the coefficients of the differentials dqi and dPi are equal

(H dqi + H dPi + H dt = H = - i and H = i

Hamiltonian Canonical Equation of Motion

qi then


P i

= qi H = - L t t

and hence,

Assignment # 3:
the Hamiltonian equation of motion can be made constant ( H ) = 0 P

if L is explicitly independent of time t

How can we prove this?

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