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FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment

Ashley Castellana FRIT 7430: Instructional Design Stage 3, Understanding by Design Fall 2011

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment

Title of Unit


Grade Level


Standard: Economic Understandings SS7E5 The student will analyze different economic systems. a. Compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer the economic questions of (1) what to produce, (2) how to produce, and (3) for whom to produce. b. Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure market and pure command. c. Compare and contrast the economic systems in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Understandings: In a free market economy, price is a function of demand versus supply. A mixed economy balances out the pros and cons of pure market and pure command economies. Countries produce particular goods and resources to meet the demands of the people. The ownership of natural resources is in direct relationship to economic wealth. A country wealthy in resources doesnt mean the demands of the people are met or that the citizens are wealthy. Middle Eastern countries do not rely only on oil for their prosperity.

Essential Questions: Overarching Questions: How do economists discern what the needs are of the people in that country? Why do most countries fall between a pure market and pure command economy? Why is it important to have a mixture between a pure market and pure command? Topical Questions: How does Israels economy differ from Saudi Arabia? How do traditional, market, and command economies compare and contrast when answering the three major economic questions?

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment How do traditional economies function without currency?

What role do natural resources play in a countries economy? How do governments affect a countrys GDP?

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Week 1 1.Begin with hooking questions: Who in my class likes to spend money? What if you could earn money in my class to spend? How can you earn and spend money in my class? Why is it important that you know this information? These questions are to grab interest yet connect to why learning about how a country earns and spends money is important. H (I will then explain to them how they can earn the monopoly money by performing well in certain activities below. The money can then be redeemed for items in the treasure chest.) 2. I give a pre-test using clickers and the promethean board to see what the students previous or current knowledge is over this particular standard. This needs to come first so I can see where we need to go in this lesson and what particular areas and vocabulary needs to be addressed. The pre-test is a 10 multiple-choice question assessment asking a wide range of questions directed to this standard with some economic vocabulary included. I will print each test out and grade it so students can view it at a later date. W,O 3. The essential questions are addressed: How do economists discern what the needs are of the people in that country? What role do natural resources play in a countrys economy? What role do governments play in a countrys economy? W 4. Students are given thematic maps of the country Israel and Saudi Arabia. These thematic maps provide a key showing their natural resources, capital goods, and population. The map also shows geographical features. Students will also receive a reading resource from a Jr. Scholastic in which they gather information on Israel and Saudi Arabias GDP, GDP per capita, and their current government status. Students are to work with their assigned groups to compare and contrast the two nations using a thinking map. The students are to also discuss each countrys citizens wants and needs and place those ideas on a circle map. E 5. Groups are to share with the class their comparisons and differences, as well critical needs of Israel and Saudi Arabia. I allow them to fill in my thinking maps on the promethean board to illustrate for other groups. I then show them the critical areas of the country that need to be met from an economic stand point. I use maps on my promethean board to add technology for interest purposes. The students can then compare their information with other classmates and my instruction. Students are to

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment keep their data and maps for future reference. R, E-2 6. New economic vocabulary is introduced. Students are to learn 8 new vocabulary words through instructional videos and other material. I stop many times interpreting and asking questions to gather feedback. Students are to then write a definition in their own words and draw a picture representing the term. They are to keep these definitions for future reference. E, T 7. A quiz is given over new vocabulary. We will review as a class and I will assess their new gained knowledge to decide what needs to be re-taught. E, E-2 8. Students are to now transfer their information into a project. They have the option to create a PowerPoint presentation on our school laptops or create it on a tri-fold poster board. The assigned groups will use the previous data collected over Israel and Saudi Arabia showing using learned vocabulary to uniquely show the differences and similarities of these Middle Eastern nations. E, O 9. I will sit down with each group privately and review the rubric with them to ensure each item is understood. This is to possibly have them re-think a certain part of the assignment and revise what is needed. Many students are still learning how to use a rubric and understanding how it is weighed. R 10. Students will present their Power Point or poster which will be graded separately from the first assignment. The group presenting will receive written and oral feedback from their audience over the assignment. The group will then have to write down one aspect of their project they did well on and one way they could improve.

E, R Whichever two groups have achieved the most points on the rubric, will receive treasure chest $20 monopoly money

Week 2

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment 12. Introduce the EQ for the activity: How do traditional, market, and command economies compare and contrast when answering the three major economic questions? How do traditional economies function without currency? These are vocabulary words the students know. They now must be able to apply their knowledge. W 13. Assigned groups are each given a skit in which they obtain parts to act out. The students are told specifically what to say in the skit but are encouraged to improvise certain parts. For example, the skit may ask the student to create a scene in which people are working in a factory making an item of their choice or create a situation in which people must barter for goods. Students may tailor parts of the skit to their liking if they feel as if it will better represent the economy being demonstrated. E, T 14. Each group will rehearse their skit to improve their performance. They will have to come together to decide if their performance is something their audience can distinguish as an economy. If not, they are to tweak the performance to do so. R, E-

2, O Students will vote for which performance was best executed. That group will receive $20 monopoly money.
15. Introduce a new EQ: What role do natural resources play in a countries economy? We will explore some Middle Eastern countrys resources. 16. I will show a picture of a palace the king of Saudi Arabia lives in and deliver hooking questions: Why can a king afford a palace like this in over 1 sq mile in area with polished stone walkways and serene water bodies? How did he get so rich? Who lives in this palace? Do you think everyone in his country lives like this? H 17. I will give each student three handouts each containing a simple map of a Middle East country. They are to work with their elbow partner to turn these blank maps into thematic maps concentrated on natural resources. Students will create a legend and include additional information such as each countrys GDP and population to make there maps an attractive and informational map. E 18. Students will research each countrys data using Jr. Scholastics, the Ipads, and previous resources. R 19. As a class, we will review the natural resources that were most collected by the partners for each country. We will find a relationship between natural resources and wealth focusing on economic specialization. Students will tie in governmental effects on the citizens of a country. Students will write in 1-2 sentences answering Why is United Arab Emirates GDP per capita extremely higher than that of Saudi Arabia and Iran? A modification will be for students to orally explain to my parapro or myself, why Saudi Arabia, Iran, and UAE are very wealthy nations. I will then ask a follow-up question such as, why do you think a country with a lot of people living in it can affect how much money they make? E

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment 20. I will show them some very poverty stricken areas of nations such as Saudi Arabia and Iran and allow students to write reasons on the promethean board explain how this poverty exists if the nations are rich in natural resources. I will explain to them how just because a nation has wealth, doesnt mean it is well distributed among the citizens of a country. It also doesnt mean the government cares for the people. R

Week 3 21. Introduce the EQ: Why do most countries fall between a pure market and pure command economy? Why is it important to have a mixture between a pure market and pure command? W 22. I ask the class, Wouldnt it be cool if we had no rules? Most students say yes and clap. I asked the students if they would be happier if we didnt have any rulesmost again say yes! I asked them if they would like if someone broke into their house. They say of course not. I ask them what they would do if that happened. Most students say they would call the police. Then I say, they dont exist since there are no rules to enforce! What are you going to do now? H 23. Students are to discuss and jot down with an elbow partner the advantages and disadvantages of market and command economies. We learned the advantages and disadvantages from the cartoon previewed earlier. I will then show that clip of the cartoon again to ensure their answers are correct. The pair are to individually write a paragraph telling if they would rather live in a pure market, pure command, or mixed economy and explain why. A modification would be to take a few of those lower level students and sit at a kidney table and discuss as a group what makes a mixed economy better than a pure and refer to the hook I used above once more. T, R, 24. Students are to refer to all the data organized and collected throughout the three weeks. This includes data, vocabulary, diagrams, thematic maps, notes, etc. Students are to either create a travel brochure or create a web based project using Prezi. Students have the option to be creative in accurately explain what they have learned about certain Middle Eastern nations in terms of government and economics. All projects will come with a rubric. Modifications will be in place and will include the following: a higher level peer will be provided as a partner to aid on a daily basis, a teachers assistant will be available for extra support, rubrics will be scored according to work ethic verses amount. E, T,O

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment 25. One on one time with students will be available to make sure rubric is understood so revisions can be at a minimal. R 26. Once assignments are completed, they are to take a post-test which is identical to the pre-test. They are to circle on a scale of 1-10 which number they believe they got correct. We will then review the answers as a class. I will pass out a result sheet from their pre-test so they can compare where they were in knowledge and understanding to where they are now. Student will have the opportunity to give me an oral or written statement explaining their learning experience in this unit: likes and dislikes, whether they truly understand the standards or not, what needs they feel are not met, etc. E-2

All money will be redeemed at the end of the unit!

Notes to the Instructor Utilizes Gardners strategy to provide different Entry Points to meet the needs of all types of intelligences. Clearly labels the parts of the plan that illustrate differentiation: (Please refer to the numbers below) 4. thematic maps, working in groups 6. write definitions in their own words, draw pictures to explain the vocab word 9. choice of poster or Power Point for assignment 14. Performance of a skit 16,17, 20- visuals for students to learn from on the promethean board 23. working with elbow partner for data 24. using their own data for performance purposes, choices for projects: paper, performances, or travel brochure

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment

Stage 3 Scoring Rubric

(0 Points) 1. Does not clearly communicate WHERETO for learning activities Fails to provide a pretest for learners. 2. Alignment is not demonstrated between instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. There is evidence of alignment between some of the instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. (3 Points) Codes some learning activities with WHERETO (5 Points) Clearly codes each activity with WHERETO Includes a pretest to check for prerequisite skills and knowledge. Alignment is clearly demonstrated between instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. Matches all essential questions, understandings, skills, and knowledge with a corresponding instructional strategy. 3. Instruction has one global starting point for all learners. No evidence of an attempt at differentiation Utilizes Gardners strategy to provide different Entry Points. Evidence of an attempt at differentiation exists, but differentiation is not illustrated using labeling. Provides opportunities for students to RETHINK Utilizes Gardners strategy to provide different Entry Points to meet the needs of all types of intelligences. Clearly labels the parts of the plan that illustrate differentiation Provides numerous opportunities for students to
Your Score

4. Fails to provide opportunities for

FRIT 7430 : UbD Stage 3 Assignment students to RETHINK ideas, REFLECT, and to REVISE work. 5. Does not indicate the use of technology in a meaningful way 6. Assignment is not organized Assignment Instructions not followed Several errors in grammar and form, which distracted the reader big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and REVISE their work. Includes the use of technology RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and to REVISE work. Includes the use of technology in a meaningful way. Off the shelf resources are properly referenced Assignment is organized Assignment Instructions followed No errors in grammar or form that distracted the reader.

Assignment somewhat organized Most assignment instructions followed A few errors in grammar and form which distracted the reader

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