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(ohnson)s *ews +pril 9, ",$

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a great weekend. Saturday, we went to a carnival and rode rides and did a little shopping. Sunday, we stayed around the house and cleaned. -eminders . Information *Please remember you can check your childs grades anytime at Parent Connect through the MISD website. Click on Parents tab and follow the prompts to set up an account. **** ur class is out of paper. If you could please send some with your child! we would appreciate it****

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (97 ! 9"#$"$" or you can email me at r%ohnson & I can often answer email very quickly.


What Were Working On

*Math- We will be taking our STAAR test. *Language Arts-We will be taking our STAAR test. Social Studies We will e!"lore hu#an rights$ and the con%lict and coo"eration between di%%erent cultures. *Science We will e!"lore &ewtons three laws o% #otion.

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Wednesday %&

/hursday '

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") .o School Memorial Day



"$ Skate .ight


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