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Relevant Thematic Unit Design Map (A)

Unit Theme / Topic / Problem? Statistics and Probability/ Standardized Testing

Unit Relevance? (Why is this topic important for students to study / act upon? Grade? 8 Subject? Math !uration? !"# $ee%s

Explore and analyze ISAT/standardized testing through a mathematical perspective

"ssential #uestions? ($rainstorm % to & drivin' ?s
! # ) , Is ISAT testing &air' (hat is the relationship bet$een &unding and test scores' *o$ much is +PS paying &or ISATS and $ho does the money go to' (hat are alternatives or solutions to standardized testing'

(earnin' )ctivities? These must line up *ith the standards in the

section belo* (sho* ho* your activities *ill develop stated s+ills and you must provide attachments of these activities,

(earnin' Product -./ -ead predetermined readings and discuss cultural relevance in class (earnin' Product -%/ +onstruct t$o"$ay tables and discuss patterns bet$een ISAT scores and other social &actors (earnin' Product -0/ +onstruct scatter plots &rom the t$o $ay tables. &ind line o& best &it and its slope. and interpret implications o& data

"ssential Threads? (Place an 123 for those that apply

class(ism 4 culture "conomics 4 'ender labor land / 'eo'raphy mi'ration 5ppression 4 politics / 'ov, race(ism Resources 4 resistance

5ther Understandin's Students Will Gain? (ocal/ 6urrent and/or 7istorical Understandin's E&&ects o& /unding Allocation o& -esources /unding and Academic Per&ormance Global 6onnections (6urrent / 7istorical Strati&ication 0eoliberalism Poverty :ain Te4ts? (readin's< video< photos< art< music< etc,
" Illinois Interactive -eport +ard $ebsite

)pplicable !isciplines and Specific Standards?

Place an 123 for applicable disciplines (*rite in details (an'ua'e )rts :athematics 4 :edia / Tech :usic 8atural Sciences Psycholo'y Social Sciences Theater / !rama 9isual )rts Specific subject/ MAT*

;ey 6ompetencies (6ommon 6ore< )6T< or =(S

(use S+ills 6luster :aps for additional plannin'

https5//iirc niu edu/State aspx " +hapter 8 6 Scatterplots Pgs ,78",!) 92avidson: "" +hapter ) # The Slope o& a ;ine Pgs )!8"))< 9Messersmith: =+T4 Says >oycott ISAT ? Schmidt. @eorge =ATest B&&icials @etting Testier about Bpting out A S$artz. +laudinette " AMore Illinois Schools Identi&ied &or Improvement under 0o

66SS,:)T7,658T"8T,>,SP),. ?+onstruct and interpret scatter plots &or bivariate measurement data to investigate patters o& association bet$een t$o 1uantities 2escribe patterns such as clustering. outliers. positive or negative association. linear association. and nonlinear association 66SS,:)T7,658T"8T,>,SP),%@ 3no$ that straight lines are $idely used to model relationships bet$een t$o 1uantitative variables 66SS,:)T7,658T"8T,>,SP),0@ 4se the e1uation o& a linear model to solve problems in the context o& bivariate measurement data. interpreting the slope and intercept 66SS,:)T7,658T"8T,>,SP),&@ 4nderstand that

+hild ;e&t >ehind >enchmar%s A Illinois State >oard o& Education =0o +hild ;e&t >ehind A Education (ee% =ISAT under$ay. some teachers boycott ? 9video: =Maria Saucedo Teachers 2iscuss the ISAT >oycott? 9video:

patterns o& association can also be seen in bivariate categorical data by displaying &re1uencies and relative &re1uencies in a t$o"$ay table +onstruct and interpret a t$o"$ay table summarizing data on t$o categorical variables collected &rom the same subCects 4se relative &re1uencies calculated &or ro$s or columns to describe possible association bet$een the t$o variables

6ritical 9ocabulary Terms? ISAT. scatterplot. &unding. correlation. slope. lo$ income. dependent variable. independent variable. best &it line. 0o +hild ;e&t >ehind

Primary =nstructional )pproaches? ;ecture ;earn by doing +lass 2iscussion Technology Socratic Seminar In1uiry based

Ainal Project
(What *ill students do to present their learnin' and ta+e action?

6ommunity connection? (field trips< spea+ers< events /ield Trips5 ;S+ Meeting. Disit A&&luent *igh School Spea%er5 Anton Miglietta

Students $ill construct scatter plots by examining the relationship bet$een ISAT testing scores. income. and operational spending per pupil &rom various school districts /rom this. they $ill create an essay arguing &or or against high sta%es standardized testing

Scope and SeBuence (a list of +ey activities / steps to*ards the learnin' project / action
This unit $ill help students develop an understanding o& the e&&ects o& ISAT testing through a mathematical analysis Speci&ically. this unit &ocuses on statistics and probability directly &rom the +ommon +ore State Standard Initiative To begin the unit. students $ill read a variety o& articles and $atch multimedia videos regarding the controversy surrounding high sta%es testing in the &orm o& the ISAT test These articles $ill allo$ students to gain a greater perspective o& the issues associated $ith ISAT testing To &urther their understanding. these articles $ill be discussed in class and allo$ students to develop hypotheses about high sta%es testing Along $ith these articles. there $ill be a guest spea%er to rein&orce the issues surrounding the matter 0ext. students $ill use the Illinois Interactive -eport +ard $ebsite and examine ISAT statistics They $ill compare test scores $ith poverty levels and operational spending per pupil &rom various schools (ith these comparisons. students $ill create tables relating this in&ormation Students may see a trend &rom the tables they developed. ho$ever. in order to clearly see any and all potential trends. students need to present the data &rom the tables in another &orm At this point. the teacher $ill teach students ho$ to present tabular in&ormation in graph &orm Also. a&ter plotting points on the graph. the teacher $ill instruct students ho$ to create a line o& best &it and ho$ to calculate its slope This is the only part o& the lesson plan that $ill be based o&& o& a standard math textboo% A&ter students gain a technical understanding o& tables. scatterplots. and slope. students $ill then be re1uired to

participate in a couple o& &ield trips These &ield trips $ill create a community connection /irst. students $ill be ta%en to an a&&luent high school in the guise o& being perspective &uture attendees to the school A&ter this trip. there $ill be a guided class discussion on the di&&erences o& resources bet$een their school and the a&&luent high school they visited 0ext. students $ill attend a ;ocal School +ouncil meeting This $ill help students understand ho$ to e&&ectively present an argument to local government Also. it $ill give students perspective on ho$ local government operates The protocols o& local government $ill be discussed a&ter$ard in class as $ell This $ill greatly aid them in presenting their &inal proCect All o& the previous events $ill culminate $ith an assigned &inal proCect This proCect $ill re1uire students to create scatterplots regarding statistics o& ISAT testing in the district o& their choice (ith this in&ormation. as $ell as their ne$ understanding surrounding high sta%es testing. students $ill construct an essay. in letter &orm. $hich $ill highlight their position on high sta%es testing /urthermore. students $ill then explain their position based on their evidence and/or present a ne$ potential solution to the high sta%es testing controversy

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