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AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Woman >> than man These diseases cross the different medical specialties, such as rheumatology,

endocrinology, hematology, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and dermatology, and because such specialties usually focus on singular diseases within their particular category, there has been virtually no general focus on autoimmunity as the underlying cause. Table I Female:Male atios in !utoimmune "iseases #ashimoto$s thyroiditis 'ystemic lupus erythematosus ')ogren$s syndrome !ntiphospholipid syndrome*secondary +rimary biliary cirrhosis !utoimmune hepatitis -raves$ disease 'cleroderma heumatoid arthritis !ntiphospholipid syndrome*primary !utoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 2IT+3 Multiple sclerosis Myasthenia gravis %&:% (:% (:% (:% (:% ,:% .:% /:% 0.1:% 0:% 0:% 0:% 0:%

1. Presenting complaint a. Fatigue, wea4ness b. Tremor c. +alpitation d. 5oint pain may indicate an autoimmune disease 2 !3 e. 'ymptoms of psychosis history: o +aranoid thin4ing, stress, depression, irritability, etc. f. '4in: o 6yanosis or pallor in fingers7toes may result from aynauld8s +henomenon which is seen in some autoimmune disease. o 6hec4 for rashes 2butterfly rash3 seen in '9: o Flashing faces, smooth, sweating, dryness seen in hyperthyroidisms g. #air and nail: o !lopecia patches may occur in '9: o #air loo4 thinning usually seen in hyperthyroidism o #air loo4 more thic4er 2hirsutism3 usually seen in hypothyroidism h. "aily diet: o "ietary changes o Weight loss

2. Past medical history Medication: !llergies: none !ccident7in)uries: none +revious diagnosed illness in childhood and adulthood 6hronic illness: "M Immuni;ation . !ele"ant social history #. !ele"ant $amily history

Familial tendency
%. Other in$ormation

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