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Geometry Alt Unit Lesson Plan Unit Two- Angles and Shapes Essence Statement: B) Uses different "ates:

Septem!er #$-%cto!er ## representations for geometric relationships and sol es pro!lems Topics: Level 1- Two dimensional shapes including circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, and various other shapes Level 2- Two dimensional and three dimensional shapes, the differences and similarities between the two, formal geometric vocabulary used when describing shapes Level 3- Measuring angles and classifying them as acute, obtuse, or right !lassifying triangles based on angles &oca!'lary: !ircle Triangle "quare #ectangle !one !ube "phere !ylinder $ngle #ight angle %btuse $ngle $cute angle "traight $ngle &rotractor Acti ities: 3' "hapes "ong 2' "hapes "ong (uilding 3' shapes "ort and classify shapes Measure angles !lassify and sort angles &osters on shapes and angles

(aterials and S'pplies: )or*sheets &oster materials &rotractor

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