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Penulis : Zumira Sari Fakultas : Kedokteran Gigi Program Studi : Prostodonsia IPK : 3.64 Pembimbing I : Endang Kusdarjanti,drg.,M.

Kes Pembimbing II :

Perbedaan Survey Model Kerja Teknik Konsensional dan Teknik CAD - CAM pada Gigi Tiruan Kerangka Logam.
Abstrak : Background: In the Science of Dentistry one of the requirements of denture metal framework is stable or not easy to shake when worn in the mouth, therefore it needs a survey on the working model that aims to support the successful manufacture of denture metal framework. Conventional survey techniques are commonly used in the field of dental laboratory has deficiencies, one of which is determining the undercut area which is less precise, because the determination of the slope or angle of the model used by surveyors working towards one. Of those with a growing shortage of technology, new techniques emerge to survey the working model that is able to overcome the shortage. This technique is called CAD / CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing). Purpose : to know more about how the differences between working models of survey techniques and conventional techniques of CAD / CAM on denture metal framework. Conclusion: The survey by the conventional technique requires accuracy and requires a tool to determine the inclination angle of the working model, and it requires a long time, while the technique of CAD / CAM using computerized media using software, which increases the quality of the laboratory and time efficient.

Keyword : Keywords: Denture metal framework, Survey, CAD / CAM.

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