Jayde Harvilles Resume

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Jayde Harville


883 Old Cahaba Drive Helena, Alabama 35080

Phone (205) 616-7612 -mail !!h000"#$ah%ed$

University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama Aug. 2009 May 2014 Candidate for B.A. in Elementary Education (Anticipated May 2014) Concentration: Lan ua e and Culture !"A: #.0$%&4.0 'onor(: )ean*( Li(t (201#+14 Academic ,ear) Alabama State Department of !u"ation # $$H#0102#%%&& Professional Certificate Class B, Elementary (Pending) UAH 'ea"(er !u"ation )rogram $an. 2012 # )resent 0tudent -eac.in "racticum Colum1ia Elementary 0c.ool (2ift. !rade)3 Madi(on3 AL 4an. 53 2014 2e1. 213 2014 Colum1ia Elementary 0c.ool (2ir(t !rade)3 Madi(on3 AL 2e1. 243 2014 Apr. 263 2014 0tudent -eac.in "re+"racticum Colum1ia Elementary 0c.ool3 Madi(on3 AL (106 .our() Colum1ia Elementary 0c.ool3 Madi(on3 AL (%5 .our() -utored and a((e((ed a (tudent*( readin a1ilitie( 'a7el !reen Elementary 0c.ool3 'a7el !reen3 AL (68 .our() -utored and a((e((ed a (tudent*( readin a1ilitie( 4ame( 9. )a:(on Elementary 0c.ool3 'unt(;ille3 AL (44 .our() <ni;er(ity "lace Elementary 0c.ool3 'unt(;ille3 AL (21 .our() -utored and a((e((ed a (tudent*( readin a1ilitie(


-eac.in E/perience

=ele;ant >or? E/perience

Mat( an! *ea!ing 'utor May 2009 + May 2012 A((i(ted (tudent( in critical met.od( and (trate ie( u(ed in mat. and readin . Day"are 'ea"(er Sept. 201, + Apr 2014 Created and e/ecuted acti;itie( for (tudent enric.ment@ (uper;i(ed ;ariou( cla((e(.

"rofe((ional )e;elopment

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