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Your Name

/ollo ing these steps to complete the financial plan (only put numbers into yello cells) 2tep *$ /ind out all the money that you have right no ' in your possession! 2tep +$ :alculate all the money that you ill need for next year (this ;uly to end of next ;une) 2tep &$ <ook at the difference bet een hat you =have= and hat you =need= it ill likely be negative 2tep ($ :ome up ith an 6ction 0lan to get the money you ill need to cover your needs for next year
** you need to keep adding to your action plan until the "action plan difference" reaches zero or higher (pink box in bottom right corner) the amount can not be negative or other ise you ill not have enough money to cover your needs!

">N8Y Y>? #6@8

"oney that is "yours" Savings (Bank) Account Part-time Job R"#"S"P" %t&er $$ 'ou &ave ( %t&er $$ 'ou &ave + $3,000 $400 $0 $0 $0

">N8Y Y>? AB<< N88#ousing$ Rent Uti ities! $e ecommunications )eat*# ec" %t&er )ouse*rent insurance $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

-B//8C8N:8 ("#ave" minus "Need")

"ost students do not have enough money right no to pay for all their financial needs next year thus the number belo ill (probably) be a negative number!

1one' 'ou &ave 1one' 'ou nee8 9or ne7t 'ear

%&'()) %*')*+

,otal "oney you have


%t&er ,ransportation$ ,ar -a'ments .as ,ar /nsurance ,ar Re-airs 0 1aint" Pub ic $ransit %t&er 0ersonal 1 /inances$ .roceries #ating out , ot&ing #ntertainment 0 Recreation Persona ,are ,om-uter s'stems $rave .i9ts 9or ot&ers Savings Pets Pa'ment o9 8ebt 1e8ica *:enta /nsurance %t&er 8ducation$ $uition an8*or 9ees Books an8 su-- ies %t&er



$0 $0 $0 $0 $32 $0

6:,B>N 0<6N$ "oney you need to arrange for

"/amily" money 3our summer Job 4ami ' Su--ort $+,400 $0 $0 $0

$+00 $60 $(6 $40 $+0 $0 $0 $(0 $+6 $0 $30 $0 $0

4ami ' 5oans %t&er "2chool" money Provincia #7am Sc&o ars&i-s %t&er Sc&o ars&i-s * bursaries "3ank" 4 "5overnment" money Stu8ent 5oan %t&er oans

$0 $+00

$0 $0

,otal 6ction 0lan money


$(24 $(00 $0 1one' 'ou nee8 9or ne7t 'ear 1one' t&at 'ou a rea8' &ave Action P an mone' 'ou arrange8 %*')*+ %&'()) %+'7))

,otal money you need


6ction 0lan -ifference


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