Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring Process

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Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring Process There are 4 separate in-year reports on revenue budget monitoring and

capital budget monitoring presented to the Executive and the Scrutiny Committee/Panel during the course of the financial year. In addition to these 4 reports there is a final report to consider the actual spending at the end of the financial year compared with the revised. In addition, in the second half of the year, the Executive Member for Resources & Performance Management receives monthly budget monitoring updates. Under the scheme of delegation each budget area and capital scheme is delegated to a Head of Service who remains accountable for the effective discharge of financial management as an integral part of achieving strategic objectives and in turn meeting service delivery priorities. All Heads of Service consider their budgets and provide information and details of any actual or anticipated significant variations between spending/income and budgets. For more information on the Budget Monitoring process contact Phil Moore, Head of Finance & Property Management on extension 7173 or David Donlan, Accountancy Division Manager on extension 7172.

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