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I plan to gain more information on Mental Health in Secondary Schools and identify opportunities to create a space for students to feel safe during their time at school.


I will seek out more information on Mental Health within our community and Nation. I will also make motion to creating a safe-space in my future school of employment.


I plan to coach a team in need of volunteers. I want to know more about how to work with children and adolescents so both the students and myself can get the most out of our experiences together. I want to know more about what is going on at my placement school from a staff perspective

I want to be involved in the school community in a way other than athletic involvement

I spoke with teachers and administration at my placement school to see which team(s) needed help and how I could go about getting involved. I will seek out certification courses and/or I completed a High Five: Principles of information sessions pertaining to working Healthy Child Development course in with youth. Spring 2014 at the Vollmer Recreation Complex in LaSalle. I will ask about upcoming staff meetings I attended a handful of Professional Learning Committee meetings held at lunch on Thursdays at my placement school. These meetings discussed hot topics such as literacy, numeracy, crosscurricular lesson planning, and the implementation of tutorials for each class once a month. I will seek out information regarding I assisted with preparation and upcoming events that require organization for the Semi-Formal event at volunteers/chaperones WF Herman Secondary School.

I completed the Question-Persuade-Refer Suicide Prevention workshop, attended a guest lecture from the GECDSBs Mental Health Specialist Dr. Sharon Pyke, and research Mental Health among Canadian and Windsor local teens for a Social Issues paper. Also, I taught the Mental Health unit within my Health & Phys. Ed class and created an opportunity for students to make information posters of a variety of Mental Health Illnesses, Disorders, and Problems. I coached the Junior Girls Volleyball team at WF Herman Secondary School.

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