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Morgan Grace Shaughnessy

School Address 865 Port Republic Road Apt. 41 !arriso"burg% &A ''807
Home Address 15707 !ampto" #rest $ur" #hester(ield% &A ' 8 '

________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION
)achelor o( Arts * +ames ,adiso" -"i.ersit/ * !arriso"burg% &A 0 ,a/ '014 1ouble major* #ommu"icatio" 2tudies 3 4riti"g% Rhetoric% a"d $ech"ical #ommu"icatio" 2tud/ Abroad 0 5o"do" 2ummer '01' GPA: 3.4

Internshi E! erience
Mar"eting Intern # $irginia De artment o% Conser&ation ' (ecreation )*une +,-.#August +,-./ Virginia State Parks 1esig"ed (irst place a6ard 6i""i"g marketi"g pla" targeti"g college stude"ts7 .olu"teer opportu"ities 5ead a committee o( 6 upper*le.el emplo/ees to impleme"t "e6 mascot campaig" #omposed '08 radio commercial spots to promote 6 2tate Parks as part o( a state6ide campaig" that deli.ered i" e9cess o( 5 millio" gross impressio"s Intern # 0ondon1 U2 )*une +,-+ # August +,-+/ Flame Tree Publishing :dited a"d proo(read 100 cale"dars% ma"uscripts% a"d pla""ers Researched a"d selected photos a"d photos to be used i" '5 di((ere"t cale"dars% pla""ers a"d books Accou"table (or meeti"g deadli"es 3 submitti"g impeccable cop/ editi"g 6ork to publishi"g editor i" a timel/ a"d e((icie"t ma""er

0eadershi E! erience
Grou 3itness Instructor ' Manager # Uni&ersity (ecreation Center )March +,--# 4resent/ 2chedule 40 group (it"ess i"structors i"to 100 (it"ess classes per 6eek Pla" a"d lead mo"thl/ sta(( meeti"gs 6ith trai"i"g o" sa(et/% protocol% a"d (it"ess classes such as #/cle ;it% )<2- 2tre"gth% )od/ 2culpt% a"d )oot #amp ="struct *5 classes a 6eek tailored to -R:#7s populatio" Chie% (ecruiting O%%icer 5 2a a Al ha Theta +,-. 5ead sororit/ o( 180 6ome" i" 5 da/s o( recruitme"t 6ith "earl/ 1%000 pote"tial "e6 members i" up to 8 thirt/ mi"ute rou"ds dail/ 1esig"ed the recruitme"t pla" a"d theme a"d delegated dail/ tasks 6ith recruitme"t committee o( 10 other sisters #ha"ged a"d impleme"ted a "e6 patter" o( rou"ds i"creasi"g rete"tio" rate the highest it has bee" i" 7 /ears to a" outsta"di"g >8? 2er.ed as a" e9ecuti.e committee member a"d atte"ded 6eekl/ chapter a"d e9ecuti.e meeti"gs E&ent Chairman 5 2a a Al ha Theta +,-+ Pla""ed ' semi*(ormals% 1 spri"g (ormal% #hristmas cocktail (or 400 people i"cludi"g sisters a"d plus 17s #oordi"ated e.e"ts 6ith other orga"i@atio"s a"d third part/ .e"dors o" campus 6hile mai"tai"i"g pro(essio"al ma""er 5ead Risk ,a"ageme"t team be(ore social e.e"t i" order to reduce chaos% risks a"d to pro.ide the sa(est accommodatio"s

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