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Criteria for Student's Research Project (Dissertation) MBA-4th Semester

A. General guidelines: 1. The project report shall be on a topic in the area of specialization and opted by the candidate with the approval of the faculty guide. 2. The student shall seek the guidance of the internal guide on a continuous basis and the guide shall give a certificate to the effect that the candidate has worked satisfactorily under his /her guidance. 3. No two students of the institute shall work on the same problem. 4. The subject code of the project report should be mentioned in the second page of the project report and shall be compulsory for all students opting for all specializations. 5. The Institute shall receive 4 copies of the project reports. 6. On completion of the project work, student shall prepare a report adhering to the following: i. The length of the project report shall be 75-100 pages. ii. The project report shall be prepared using Ms Word. iii. The reports shall be printed on the A4 size paper, 12 size font, double spacing, providing 1 margin on both left and right sides except for the drawings, graphs and maps on which no restriction is placed. iv. The report shall be hard bound facing sheet (only black colour) indicating the name of college and Registration Number. v. A certificate by the guide, indicating the bona-fide performance of project by the student to be enclosed. vi. An undertaking by the student to the effect that the work is independently carried out by him. vii. Certificate from the organization (in case applicable) viii. Acknowledgement. B. Plagiarism: Deliberate representation of other persons work, verbatim copy/paste without acknowledgement of the source not acceptable.

C. Structure of the project work 1. Executive summary. 2. Introduction 3. Literature review 4. Statement of the problem. 5. Objectives of the study. 6. Nature and scope of the study. 7. Limitations of the study 8. Methodology. 9. Analysis/Design, Interpretation of results, findings, observations and suggestions which may be divided into chapters. 10. Conclusion and recommendations. 11. Bibliography in the Modern Language Association (MLA) format shall be mentioned. 12. In case of web references, full address of the web page and the date accessed should be mentioned. 13. Annexures relevant to the project, such as figures, graphs, photographs, questionnaire etc.

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