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United Nations Center for Disease Control

The end is near. After an ill-fated Justin Bieber concert, individuals carrying the Zombie Virus unknowingly bit guests from all around the world. These guests returned to their homes and proceeded to transform into brain-eating Zombies. This has spread the virus and the Zombie population has erupted. Dr. Mariela Zombowski, the most renowned expert on infectious diseases, was bitten at the Justin Bieber concert. She was working on predictive models for the spread of the Zombie Virus through population, the speed of the transformation and promising research for potential antidotes. Unfortunately, many of her notes are incomplete. Your teacher will provide you Mrs. Zombowskis notes. You will need to f inish her notes and turn them in to the United Nations Center for Disease Control. We believe that METSA students are great and will be able to finish her notes. You will need to write a report and present your findings. Please include the following in your reports: i. A Plan of Action in dealing with the current epidemic crisis. What world region should aid first be rendered? What areas can wait? Please provide your detailed opinion along with data to support your decisions. ii. In the event we survive, what realistic safeguards can be put in place to ensure there is greater preparedness in future zombie outbreaks? Each report submission will be accompanied by a 2-3 minute presentation. The presentations will be held on Wednesday 26, 2014 at 1:50 PM.

We hope you can make sense of the notes and file a full report within 72 hours. We look forward to reviewing your reports!

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