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HRNJ-Uganda alert, Medical practitioner testifies against a school teacher in a journalists assault case.

Kampala, 29th April 2014; Further hearing of a case in which a Vision Group Journalist, Mathias Ssebwato Kavubu was allegedly assaulted by a teacher at Old Kampala Secondary School, Ataremwa Justus, continued on Tuesday April 29 at the Law Development Centre Court, with the medical doctor giving his evidence. Dr. Ojara Santos who examined the journalist after the alleged assault told court presided over by Magistrate Jolly Nkore, that Sebwato was found with injuries on his body which were classified as harm, He had closed injury close to his chest wall and the left hand. His teeth on the left side of the face both upper and lower had a mild shake. The injury was classified as harm. The doctor told court, adding that the injury was caused by a blunt object. Prosecution alleges that on 17th October 2012, Sebwato, a freelance journalist working with Bukedde television had gone to Old Kampala Secondary School to interview a senior four (4) student who had allegedly been denied permission to sit her UCE exams under unclear circumstances. He successfully interviewed the girls parents but when he attempted to interview the student, the accused together with others pounced on him and beat him up, before he was locked up in a room from where he was rescued by Old Kampala police. The case was adjourned to 28th May 2014 for further hearing, where also the prosecution is expected to close its case.
For More Information Contact; Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) Plot 18, Block 12 Stensera Road Kayanja Triangle Zone P.O.BOX. 71314 Clock Tower Kampala. Tel: +256-414-272934 / +256-414-667627 E-mail: / / Website:; BLOG:

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