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Double %aradiddle Around the Drum &et

Lesson "#$ &heet 'usi! (n!luded

With Jared Falk & Dave Atkinson

Overview by Hugo Janado Live

Double Paradiddle Around the Drum Set

The double paradiddle is the combination of single and double stroke, much like the single paradiddle.

Single Paradiddle applied on a Snare

The double, in a double paradiddle, comes from doubling the single stroke. So, while in the basic single paradiddle, you have a single stroke followed by a double stroke, in the basic double paradiddle you get two single strokes followed by a double stroke.

Double Paradiddle applied on a Snare

While the single paradiddle is usually played as 16 th notes, the double paradiddle is played a lot as 8th and 16th note triplets. Hence, although not being the most important of rudiments, it is a lot of fun to play and enables all sort of possible combinations around the drum kit, just like the single paradiddle. Both Jared and Dave wrote 5 exercises for this lesson. The 10 lick picks are divided in two sections, one for beats and another for fills. Also, as you move along these exercises they will get more challenging. With that said, dont forget to start each exercise slowly, especially when you are learning the sticking. Dont get discouraged if you cant get them right away, just take your time and most important of all have fun.

Daves Lick Pick #1
In this exercise, you basically take the double paradiddle and alternate it between the ride and hi-hat. Bass drum hits are on the 1 and the let of 1. As for the snare, hit it on 3.

Lesson #12 Double Paradiddle Around the Drum Set

Jareds Lick Pick #1

This lick is basically played on the snare and hi-hat. The second double paradiddle, however, is distributed between the snare and rack toms. Jared plays the double strokes on the hats using wrist strokes while the doubles on the snare are bounced. As the speed increases, he uses more bounces than wrists.

Jareds Lick Pick #2

This lick is a two bar pattern. You use the same basic snare and hi-hat pattern, incorporating the toms once again. In the first bar, Jared does a pick up to the accent in the snare on the high tom. In the second bar he does the pick up as well as move around the toms, while playing the bass drum with the mid and low tom. You should watch the dynamics of your hits on the snare. Only the hits on 3 of both bars are accents, while the remaining snare hits are very quiet. These ghost notes will make the beat sound more interesting.

If the bass drum is giving you problems, while playing it with the toms, leave it out at first and add it later. Also, this beat is a little busy, so you wouldnt necessarily want to play this the whole way through a song. Hence, you can play the first bar as the main pattern and add in the second bar half way through it. Double Paradiddle patterns involving toms, is actually one of Jareds favorite things to do with this rudiment.

Daves Lick Pick #2

There is very little happening with the right hand, which is playing half-note triplets on the ride. The double paradiddle is being split between the leg operating the bass drum pedal and the hand playing the snare drum. You could instead play the ride pattern on the hi-hat. Live

This is a challenging pattern, but will help you attain a greater level of independence between your hands and your leading leg.

Daves Lick Pick #3 (Can be used as a Fill or as a Beat)

On the 2, you play the doubles on the snare. The singles are on the ride and hi-hat. Double bass is played at the same time as all of the hi-hat and ride hits. When played slower, the double bass pattern can be played with a single pedal if you want. Try moving the double stroke to the toms, for different ideas.

Jareds Lick Pick #4

Play half a beat of just kick drum and hi-hat, with snare drum on 2, and incorporate the double paradiddle as 16th note triplets, starting at 3.

If you are having problems playing the bass drum on the last 16 th note triplet on beat 3, just leave it out.

Jareds Lick Pick #3
This lick is played as a 16th note triplet fill. For each beat, you play accents on the RR and LL on both the crash cymbal and hi-hat, like this RlRlrr LrLrll RlRlrr LrLrll and the doubles on the snare.

Lesson #12 Double Paradiddle Around the Drum Set

Daves Lick Pick #4

The first and third triplets, on the first and third beat of the bar are played on the hi-hat and crash cymbal respectively, while the double paradiddle is played between the toms.

Jareds Lick Pick #5

This fill is played between three toms, snare drum and double pedal, which is playing 8th note triplets. It is a very cool pattern to practice and a good fill for heavy-metal music.

Now, for players that dont have a double bass pedal, instead of playing 8 th note triplets, you can play quarter note triplets with a single bass pedal. This variation is a very good one, making it sound almost better than the original with double bass, since this one is less busy.

Daves Lick Pick #5

Instead of starting this fill with singles, the double paradiddle is inverted, so we start with the double strokes on the snare, while the singles are played on the toms.

This fill is a bit weird because you are starting where you usually end the double paradiddle, so it will take a bit to get used to it. You end this pattern with the left hand, which is perfect, since this way you can crash with the right hand and kick drum right into the beat again. Live Broadcast

Jared's Double Paradiddle Lick Picks 1)
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> - Copyright 2007-2010 Railroad Media, Inc. - All Rights Reserved - Licensed For Personal Use Only. Live Broadcast

Dave's Double Paradiddle Lick Picks 1)
3 3 3 3





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x x x x x x x x - Copyright 2007-2010 Railroad Media, Inc. - All Rights Reserved- Licensed For Personal Use Only

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