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Author: Maggie Braswell

! Date Created: 4/24/2014 ! Subject(s): English ! Topic or Unit of Study (Title): Short Stories ! Grade Level: 9 ! Materials: Laptops/iPads, Mirrors and Windows textbook, dictionaries, WebQuest link http:// ! Summary (and Rationale): This project helps students learn new vocabulary words, use the internet ethically and responsibly, and practice creating electronic presentations. ! I. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge): [5 minutes] Call on several students to summarize short story from yesterday. What are the 5 plot diagram points? ! II. Statement of Instructional Objective(s) and Assessments: !
Objectives Given a webquest, each student will create a PowerPoint defining 5 vocabulary words they did not know from the story. Assessments Students will email PowerPoints to the teacher.

! State the objective: [1 minute] You will learn to make a vocab presentation in a PowerPoint format Assessment: [1 minute] I will grade your PowerPoints according to the rubric shown on your webquest ! III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information and guidance): [5 minutes] Explain a webquest. The teacher will assign partners, pair will type in webquest link and read directions. ! IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance): [60 minutes] Students will follow instructions on webquest link to
find vocab words from the story that they did not know previously, decide which are most important to the story, research the definitions and significance of the word online, and create a PowerPoint to teach their words to the class.

! V. Closure (Plan for maintenance): [20 minutes]: Each pair will share their five words with the class and explain their reasoning for why their words are important to the story. ! STANDARDS: ! L.9-10.3 (Language in different contexts)
L.9-10.4 (a-d) (Determine word definition) RL.9-10.1 (Cite the text) RL.9-10.4 (Word meaning) W.9-10.6 (Use technology in writing) W.9-10.7 (Conduct research)

! Plans for Individual Differences: Students may choose to research words in dictionary or online. Teacher
should strategically pair students according to behavior and academic strengths. Students may work alone

in certain cases. Students with tactile/typing disabilities may record themselves verbally presenting their vocabulary words and definitions.

! References (APA style): !

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