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notes / strengthening mechanisms

Hall-Petch Relation
y = i +
ky D

where ky is Petch parameter, also known as unpinning constant Model 1

Imagine a pile up at a grain boundary so that the stress at a point r from the pile up in the next grain is given by, L at r = rss r where L is the pile-up length and rss is the effective resolved shear stress on the slip plane due to an applied stress (); i.e., if i is the resistance or back stress due to lattice friction etc, the stress at point r from the pile-up is, L at r = (rss-i) . r Let d be the stress required to nucleate slip in the next grain. That means yielding would occur when at r = d. Or,
D . r Here, we replaced L by D since the F-R source may be regarded as in the center of the grain and the nucleation point in the next grain is also perhaps at the center. So that, ky r y = i + d = i + . D D This relation is valid for large pile-ups and not too small D ( 60).

d = (y-i)

Model 2
In general the dislocation density () is inversely proportional to the grain size (D) : 1 =D . We know from Taylor equation relating the yield stress to the dislocation density, k . y = i + Gb = i + D

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notes / strengthening mechanisms

Strengthening Mechanisms
(see notes pp.164-165)

y = l Forest Dislocations (Taylor Eqn.) y = i + Gb Strain or Work Hardening = o + Km ; m = 0.9 1


y = i + Gb o + Km

Solution Hardening (Cottrell Atmosphere Locking) c = con. of solute atoms (/cc) for large c, y = KI c
subscripts T and I stand for tetragonal and isotropic hardening terms

y = KT c ,

Precipitate Hardening
(small point precipitates) N=ppt density (/cc)

<l> =


so that y = Gb N )

Precipitation Hardening (Orowan Bowing) if the mean distance between ppts is l, y = Gb l

D fv

large precipitates : D = diameter and fv = volume fraction l =

In some cases, the ppts are sheared by the dislocation cutting through them. Grain-Size Hardening at low temp ( 0.4TM) - Hall-Petch relation smaller the grain size harder the material ky (valid at low temps.) D at high -temp (!!!) - GBS makes small grain sized materials weaker . y = i +
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