Bookshelf 1

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"#"$ &' ()*+,-" by Allna 1ugend

1hls was Lhe book l chose Lo read for a book reporL asslgnmenL ln
LlLeracy and numeracy. uesplLe belng a requlred read for LhaL
asslgnmenL, Lhls book qulckly Lurned lnLo solld foundauon for my
vlews on maklng mlsLakes. 1ugend emphaslzes LhaL Lhe only way
we can learn ls by maklng mlsLakes, and Lhen correcung Lhem.
1hls ls a phllosophy LhaL l wlll conunue Lo lmplemenL ln my
classroom, as l encourage sLudenLs Lo [usL !"# and noL be afrald
of fallure.
.)/0""$ 1/2,0 3//-* by 8ee urummond
ComforL food. Someumes lL's Lruly Lhe only Lhlng LhaL goL me
Lhrough a rough day of sLudenL Leachlng. Cne of Lhe ways LhaL l
love Lo decompress ls Lo cook a meal for famlly or frlends.
AlLhough l was oen compleLely sLressed as a sLudenL Leacher,
and l know l'll conunue Lo be sLressed LhroughouL my career, lL's
lmporLanL Lo Lake ume for myself, Lo do Lhe Lhlngs l en[oy.
4",56)07 8*09+ :/5-"+ ;5)"05"< 8+9* =,$>"$ by 8yan luller
Mr. luller used Lo be a successful aerospace englneer worklng on
nASA's new generauon spacecra. Pe qulL hls [ob Lo become a
hlgh school Leacher. 1hls arucle ls hls reecuon on Lhe dlmculLy
-and Lhe reward- LhaL comes wlLh Leachlng. Pls words are
someLhlng l've conunued Lo reecL on when l have felL LhaL my
career cholce lsn'L meanlngful or purposeful.
.?,0&/,$> @AA
1hls app leLs me compleLely organlze my lesson plannlng-color
coded by block days and speclc class perlods. My plans are
always easlly accesslble onllne, and l am able Lo auach sLandards
Lo each day's plan, whlch has really helped me Lo base my
lessons on conLenL, llLeracy & numeracy, and 21
CenLury Skllls
sLandards. 1hls app ls golng Lo conunue Lo be ln my Leachlng
arsenal for years Lo come.

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