Questioner:: Let's Talk About Compensation and Benefits

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Q1: What is the HR Mission, how NBP use HR Strategies to achieve its required objective? Q2: How NBP compares HR strategies with HR Goals, what is the relationship between them? Q3: What type of culture, norms and values NBP want to adopt in organization? Lets talk about Compensation and Benefits Q4: Is NBP gives attractive salary packages to their employees? What is their minimum basic salary? Q5: Is NBP also gives attractive packages to temporary employees? Q6: What type of Promotion& Career Progression structure usually used in organization? Q7: What tools and techniques NBP using to enhance the motivation level of employees? Q8: Which type of pay structure using in organization? (Either seniority base or merit base pay) Q9: How much an employee avails annual increment in his basic salary? Q10: Which type of incentive, employee can get during job and after the retirement? Q11: Who will provide the performance information about each employee and on which bases? Q12: Who can apprise the higher authorities what is the criteria?

Q13: How HR performs his duty to enhance the capabilities of employees and what tools they are using for training and development to get competitive advantage and to adopt core banking? Q14: As we know there is a lot of competition in market how NBP compares his HR Functions with any Private or Foreign banks like STANDERED CHARTED etc? Q15: How much unions can interfere in HR decisions? Q16: Describe a time when you improved the communication methods of a company for selecting, promoting, compensating, evaluating, or training workers. What methods did you use to identify the need for improvement and implement your improvement? Q:17 Tell me about a time when you developed your own way of doing things or were self-motivated to finish an important task. (The employer wants to know if you can work independently. Q18: In your experience, what is the key to developing a good team? (Be sure to explain how you encourage and build trust, respect, and cooperation. Q19: Provide an example of a time when you successfully organized a diverse group of people to accomplish a task. Q20: Share an experience in which you successfully coordinated with others. How about a coordination effort that was not as successful?

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